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Users Manual for Program TRC_FOURPL

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   Input data commands


Program TRC_FOURPL calculates the Fourier series for the different track irregularities. The user can choose between three different types of spectra: real, imaginary and complex absolute value. The input data track should be written in format TRAC or TRAX.

Input data commands

Input data is read in free format, valid separators between the input values are <space>, <comma>, <tab>, <equal sign> or <carriage return>. The commands can be written both in lower and upper case letters. The operation of the program is controlled by the commands described below; some of the commands also need arguments.

Name of the input TRAC- or TRAX-file.
Declared= Character*132    Default= Blank

Format for graphic output. Valid values for ILASER are intro_common_commands.html#jILASER
Declared= Integer*4    Default= 6

Enters the definition of a new page. Up to two curves per page can be drawn. Command PAGE can be given 2 or 4 arguments. The valid commands are the following:
Arg(1)= Type of signal, curve 1.
Arg(2)= Mode of signal, curve 1.
Arg(3)= Type of signal, curve 2.
Arg(4)= Mode of signal, curve 2.
Type of signal can be one of: lat, vert, spv or rfh.
Mode of signal can be one of: real, imag or abs.
If only 2 arguments are given under command PAGE only one curve will be drawn.
The command lacks default-values.

Type of X-axle
LIN = linear scale.
LOG10 = logarithmic scale, base 10.
VFREQ = angular frequency scale, 2*π/L.
VFLOG = logarithmic angular frequency scale.
Declared= Character*5    Default= 'LIN'

The lowest value of the X-axle.
Declared= Real*4    Default= 0.

Scale the X-axis of the curve.
When plotting in a linear scale XSKALA should be defined as units per [cm]. When plotting in logarithmic scale XSKALA should be defined as units raised to the power of ten per [cm].
Declared= Real*4    Default= 10.

Type of Y-axle
LIN = linear scale.
LOG10 = logarithmic scale, base 10.
Declared= Character*5    Default= 'LIN'

The lowest value of the Y-axle.
Declared= Real*4    Default= 0.

Scale the Y-axis of the curve.
When plotting in a linear scale YSKALA should be defined as units per [cm]. When plotting in logarithmic scale YSKALA should be defined as units raised to the power of ten per [cm].
Declared= Real*4    Default= 10.

Example of an input data file

Following example: Master.trc_fourf can be used as a master file:

##       Input data file for program Trc_fourpl

 IDENT1= A plot created in GENSYS by program TRC_FOURPL
 IDENT2= The Fourier series of the track irregularities
 IDENT3= INFIL ver_data/hysl_rak.trac

 INFIL = $gentrc/K0_4a21-n-k.trac

 YAXIS = LIN    YMIN= 0.   YSKALA= .5

 ILASER= 6   POSTFI= diags/trc_fourpl.ps

 PAGE   lat  abs   spv  abs
 PAGE   vert abs   rfh  abs
 PAGE   lat  real  lat  imag