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Presentation of rel.0203

Author: Ingemar Persson (DEsolver)


13.00 New features in rel.0203
14.00 Checking the list of items from last meeting
14.30 Coffee break
15.00 Demonstration of rel.0203
16.00 Discussions of new features in GENSYS
17.00 End of the meeting


Updates from rel.0103 to rel.0203


Group KPF
Group MISC

Program CALC

  1. In a if_then_init-endif block also .or. and .and. are valid tests. Example

  2. New input data command WRITE_CA_FILE which makes it possible to restore abnormally breaked simulations. E.g. CTRL-C is pressed by the user.

  3. Read a fourth parameter under Damped_Tens. The last parameter is the length of the time integration of the first solution step.

  4. Corrected an error in quasistatic method Damped_Tens. In some occations the method entered an infinite loop.

  5. Remove the extra damping in x,z,f and k direction in quasistatic method Damped_Tens.

  6. New input data parameter CHECK_IF_THEN_AT_0 which redefines how to interpret if_then-endif-statements. If CHECK_IF_THEN_AT_0 is given in the input data file it means: do not execute statements inside if_then-endif -statements in the input data reading phase, if the test is false. If CHECK_IF_THEN_AT_0 not is given in input data, all statements will be passed in the input data reading phase whether the test is true or false.

  7. Read extension in property name in the following order: _111[rl]   _111   _11[rl]   _11   _1   _.
    Example:   model file   property file   Master.runf

  8. Corrected an error, when the substituted text string was shorter than the name of the variable.  Example

  9. Read all lpass? and hpass? with variables as arguments. Also consider changes in the input variables.

  10. New main command intpl_track_irr3 which also reads the designed track geometry from the track irregularity file.

  11. During calculation, make the working directory hidden. Example: .wdir_ca_??????. If the calculation fails make the working directory visible.

  12. In QUASI: write a warning if the vehicle tends to turn over.

  13. For QUASI the longitudinal soft spring between car-body and ether can be written inside an if_then_init-block. Example

  14. Perform the frequency response analysis in complex*16. The compilation flag -DCOMPLEX_DOUBLE must be set in the file $gensys/code/Makeoptions.
    N.B. this is not standard Fortran and may not work on all platforms.

  15. Read the ident string in a ordinary read statement, in order to read idents containing commas, equal signs, spaces,,, etc.

  16. Create also force variables in a coupling. The coupling forces are denoted c_name.Fx, c_name.Fy, c_name.Fz, c_name.Mk, c_name.Mk and c_name.Mp.   Example

  17. Write an estimation of finish time on standard output during calculation.

  18. Update the position of bodies with constraints of type conn_free_1, for animation in gplot.

  19. In MODAL: handle outprint of mode- and gp- files when m_rigid_36b is used.

  20. Accept also mass type m_rigid_36b in command "func ad_acc_flex3"

  21. New type of coordinate system e_var_bendrf according to Ruch. In e_var_bendrf the smooth parts of the transition curve have fixed lengths.

  22. In the substructure files save_car1.ins check if the accelerations car$1b1.ay, car$1.m.ay, car$1b2.ay, car$1b1.az,,, etc. and positions car$1b1.y, car$1.m.y, car$1b2.y, car$1b1.z,,, etc. exists before try storing them on the MPdat-file.

  23. In the substructure files save_car1.ins, save_bog1.ins and save_axl1.ins all variables are saved both as a scalar and as a variable.

  24. In the substructure file wr_coupl_nra1.ins material wear according to Archard's wear model is calculated. Example of results is shown in wear plot.

  25. New function func rolling_fatigue_1 which calculates rolling fatigue acc. to Anders Ekberg 011015. Example of results from a semi-stiff bogie is shown in plot 1. Example of results from a soft bogie is shown in plot 2.

Program MPLOT

  1. New function func reverse, which makes it possible to create filters without time delay.

  2. Command oper_var_id is replaced by var_id. Command var_id understands ambigous file references also at level PAGE and MAIN.   Example

  3. In the MPLOT script, the idents can be given as an ambigous file reference. In this case MPLOT runs all idents with the same input data file.

  4. Substitutes $-variables in header-lines into the value of the scalar with the same name.

  5. Read scalars as argument to tstart and tstop in command ftwz, stat, x_left,,etc.

  6. Split the ident-line into two if there are too many characters.

  7. New command EndDiagram and EndPage.

  8. Do open an ident even if you get the error message "mp-file is newer than xxxx".

  9. Add more information in the Draw Curve Popup Menu. The information are: the name of the ident, number of values in a curve and the name of the default X-axis.

  10. New function import for reading columns from an ASCII-file.

  11. New examples added in the end of the manual.

  12. Exit program MPLOT gracefully, even if the user exits with Alt+F4 or exits by clicking on the window frame.

Program GPLOT

  1. If started with a file as argument, use the file as argument to command read_runf.

  2. Draw hidden lines as dotted lines.

  3. New body command box_mass_733, which have more nodes for the animation of the structural vibrations. Command box_mass_733 also gives the user possibility to give individual coordinates for each corner of the box.

  4. When animating a modal analysis, calculate the complex max. displacement. Scale each mode of vibration individually according the complex max. displacement.

  5. When animating a time-domain simulation, plot the time dynamically.

  6. A new menu which controls the plotting of forces and symbols.

  7. Plot forces by arrows with numbers or just arrows.

  8. Export the animation as a number of eps-files.

  9. Exit program GPLOT gracefully, even if the user exits with Alt+F4 or exits by clicking on the window frame.

Program NPICK

  1. New input data parameters TOL_NODE_DMIN, TOL_NODE_DMAX, TOL_NODE_LMIN and TOL_NODE_LMAX which makes it possible for the user to define the tolerance in the node selection process when creating the tetrahedron.

  2. New body command box_733 which have more nodes for the animation of the structural vibrations. Command box_733 also gives the user possibility to give individual coordinates for each corner of the box.

Program OPTI

  1. New optimization method RegulaFalsi1, which searches for goal_function= 0.

  2. Reading new option -append_overwrite, which continue on an existing ident.

  3. Possibility to break with file opti_stop added.

  4. New command STOP_AFTER which stops a simulation after a number of loops.

  5. If opti is started with -overwrite send it to the subprogram.

  6. Reading a new option -nohup. When nohup is given, send a mail to the user when the job is finished.

  7. New command Q_SYS, which runs the sub-program under a queue system.

  8. New command PARALLEL, which makes it possible to send more jobs than one to the queue system.

  9. New command LOAD_LIMIT, where program OPTI only starts jobs if the processor load is low.

Program Group KPF

Program KPF
  1. New diagram no.30 which contains the roll angle coefficient. The roll angle coefficient is defined according to formula.
    The conicity for S1002 on UIC60 incl.1/40 is approximately 0.1 for small amplitudes at gauge 1435mm. Now compare the roll angle coefficient for an ideal conical profile with a constant conicity of 0.1 with the roll angle coefficient for S1002 on UIC60 incl.1/40.

  2. New input data command LAMBDA_FILE where the user can choose to print the conicity table on an external file.

  3. New input data command FI_AXLE_FILE where the user can choose to print the roll angle of the axle to a file.

Program Group MISC

  1. A major revision of program GENFILE has been made:
    A popup menu for mouse button 3 has been added.
    Only three pushbuttons in the genfile window.
    A pulldown-menu has been added to program genfile.
    A command history is available under the Up- and Down- arrows.

Program FUNC
  1. New input data parameter XVALUES_INCREASING which makes it possible for the user to choose how to treat the X-axle.

  2. If input data consists of two files INFIL1 and INFIL2, check that the X-values coincide in all point. If not, interpolate from the X-axis which starts at the highest value.

  3. Check number of columns read from INFIL1 and INFIL2, complain if not number of columns fits into the format given in FORMF1 and FORMF2.

Program MTABLE
  1. List the percentiles in a resu-file.

  2. Check the time-stamp of the *.print-file and *.mp-file and rerun program MPLOT if necessary.

  3. Don't update the resu-, print- and mp-files if MPLOTF_FILE=' '.

  4. New input data command WRITE_WARNINGS where the user can supress the output printing of warning messages.

  5. New input data command FOLLOW_SECS where the user can specify a time how often the table should be updated.

  6. Write a column with dates first. If the output should be sorted with respect to date write the following UNIX-command:
    sort -b +0 Wz_RMS.mtabler > Wz_RMS.sort_date.mtabler
    If the output should be sorted with respect to another column write the following UNIX-command:
    sort -b +n Master.mtabler > Master.sort_n.mtabler

  1. New input data out_file sends the output to a specified file.


  1. Startup file .nedit
    Updated with new gensys-commands.
    New pattern "CALC_KeyWords" entered under Syntax Highlighting.
    Corrected the WordCount function.
    Mplot commands added as an own Language Mode.

  2. diff_dir
    New option -r which compares the files in the directory recursively.

  3. opman
    If no match is found script opman sends the command "man -k <expr>" to the system. If multiple matches are found, prompt for the section number.

  4. u_script
    Let the user choose which Master-file he or she wish to copy from the verif- directory.

  5. gen_defs
    Change directory G_intsim,,etc. to .intsim,,etc.

  6. create_kpfr
    Create wheel/rail-geometry files in-line as a pre-process command.

  7. kpf_strix_multi
    A script which automatically evaluates all STRIX rail-profiles stored in a directory.

  8. conv_id_to_host
    A script which translates id-files to an other computer system.

  9. conv_id_from_host
    A script which translates id-files written by an other computer system.


  1. A theory section has been written.


Checking the list of items from last meeting.


Following items were discussed at the meeting, and the goal is to include these items in rel.0203.

Items to be included in a future release of GENSYS.

Following items were not discussed at the meeting, but they remain as low priority items to be included in a future release of GENSYS.


Demonstration of rel.0203


  • Examine the different menus in the new genfile program.
genfile $gensys/verif/tutorial/vhe_bobo
  • Modal analysis with in-line pre-processing of wheel/rail geometry, extract modal shapes from flexible bodies and calculation of the quasistatic position.
modal & gplot $gensys/verif/tutorial/vhe_bobo
  • Time-domain analysis in a curve without track irregularities.
tsim & gplot $gensys/verif/tutorial/vhe_bobo
  • A non-linear model of a yaw-damper.
tsim & mplot $gensys/verif/tutorial/yawdamper

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