Reference Manual
Updates from rel.9810 to rel.9903
Author: Ingemar Persson (DEsolver)
Program CALC
New type of coupling named kckc, which consists of a spring in
parallel with a damper connected in series with another spring
in parallel with another damper.
Possibility write functions directly in command "func operp"
has been added.
Following functions are understood: int, nint, abs, sqrt, exp,
log, log10, sin, cos, tan,
asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, pow2, pow3 and pow4.
New functions vect_scal_add, vect_scal_sub, vect_scal_mul,
vect_scal_div, vect_vect_add, vect_vect_sub and vect_vect_smul.
In program QUASI, automatic time step control in the time
simulation phase of LineSearch_2.
In order to speed up the solution time, damping has been added
to all modes of vibration in the model.
Program GPLOT
Clicking on a symbol generates a popup meny containing information
regarding the symbol.
Plot 4 wheel and rail profiles in the 4 different diagrams.
Also mark the size, shape and location of the contact ellips.
Plot track-forces, contact-forces or creepage in the contact point.
The selection of view to show and scalefactor for the forces and
creepages are made in the procedure buildShowDialog.
New popup meny DRAW_SYMBOLS which makes it possible to select
symbols to be plotted.
Set scalefactor to 0.5 when animating a modal-analysis.
Set scalefactor to 20. when animating a time domain simulation.
Program MPLOT
New subcommand "create_curve file_vpair_free", which directly reads
value-pairs from external ASCII-file.
If the user only presses the return key on the ident-question
consider the answer as "no".
Program OPTI
An new search algorithm grad_min4 which searches the minimum
by bisections. This method is a bit slower than grad_min2 but
it is more robust, and can be used for finding the non-linear
critical speed of the vehicle .
Program KPF
If concave surfaces between wheel and rail occurs, write
the position where it takes place.
If only HFILE and RFILE are defined in inputdata don't write
separate kpf-functions for the right and left wheel.
If the right and left profile are equal, only plot the wheel-
rail-geometry functions for the right wheel.
In all functions except cpf_$1.zfn begin and end the functions
with a horizontal line.
New program genfile for manage files and sending commands to UNIX.
Programs reading ASCII-texts from external files, for example
INFIL beginning
with # as comments.
In program FUNC, new command CROSS-CORR which calculates the cross
correlation function between two signals.
In program KC_PROP
Generation of file UTFIL containing the stiffness as function
of frequency.
Calculation of coupling k+(k-(k+c)) which can represent a model
of an airbag according to Nishimura.
Modified all programs in order to be Y2K-safe.
New program rollplot which plots the results calculated by program
rollen written by Prof. J.J. Kalker.
New script genmain for starting program genfile.
New options for program KPF, -qident and -no_qident.
If option -qident is given, program KPF will promt for
a ident-string otherwise not.
Option -qident and -no_qident can be set in $kpf_opts in the file
New script trc_strix_trax which translates a file from the track
recording vehicle STRIX into trax-format.
Reference Manual