Reference Manual
Updates from rel.9903 to rel.9910
Author: Ingemar Persson (DEsolver)
Program CALC
New function extract_mem
New function print06_char_all
In property p_lin_t, starting point has been changed
to reference point
New coupling k_air3
New coupling k_at_b2
More arguments in user defined couplings.
A new hardcoded substructure fl_weare1.ins for calculating the
energy dissipation in the contact point.
Command "func intpl_track_irr" reads the track-file with
character*132. If command Ideal_track is given instead of
a file name intpl_track_irr will create an ideal track.
Command "initval read_gpdat" reads the GPdat-file with
Program MPLOT
New command "create_curve linear_increasing".
New command "create_scalar curve_zero".
Write input data file in page_head,
if an input data file exists.
Program GPLOT
Plotting of energy dissipation in menu view-show.
Program NPICK
Use the scale factor SCALE_CALC_FEM also for scaling the mass.
Assume that if lengths in the FEM-model is generated in [mm]
then is masses in the FEM-model written in [metric ton].
This implies that the generalized mass in the patran nodal
displacement file shall be written in [metric ton], if
SCALE_CALC_FEM is equal to 1000.
Reading and calculation of Modal Participation Factor and
Modal Contribution Factor.
Program KPF
Automatic detection of one or two point contact.
A list of external papers which have references to GENSYS.
When starting a new program which is lacking an input data file
in current directory, the user will be promted to copy an input
data file from directory $gensys/verif.
Customization of NEDIT
Set resources in file $HOME/.nedit.
Set resources in file $HOME/.Xdefaults.
If file .gen_conf in current directory don't exists, but file $HOME/.gen_conf exists.
Command line options will be read from the file $HOME/.gen_conf.
New options available in file .gen_conf, -res_640x480 -res_800x600 -res_1024x768 and
-res_1280x1024 which governs the resolution of program gplot and mplot_ts.