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Calculation of energy dissipation in the contact point by program QUASI
Flange wear estimations can be made in many different ways,
in substructure fl_wear three different wear indexes are
The calculated wear indexes are:
- Guiding force times angle of attack.
- Creep*creepforce.
- Total energy dissipation, Creep*creepforce + Spin*spinmoment.
File fl_wear.quasif shows how
to create these three wear indexes.
Please insert these input data lines in your input data file after the
vehicle has been defined.
Program OPTI can be used for calculating the energy dissipation for a
number of different curves.
Input data file fl_wear.optif can be
used for creating the desired number of calculations.
After the calculation of all wear indexes in program "OPTI QUASI",
the results can be presented in a joint plot by the following MPLOT input data file:
When the idents are given in the input data file as the example in file fl_wear.mplotf,
the user shall only reply with a carriage return at the ident question given by
the MPLOT shell script.
Calculation of wheel-rail secant conicity
File lambda_sec.tsimf
creates secant conicity curves from wheel-rail geometry functions.
The secant conicity curves can be plotted by the mplotf-file
Calculation of wheel-rail conicity suggested by TU Berlin
File lambda_TU_Berlin.tsimf
calculates effective conicity for wheel-rail geometry functions,
at nine different gauges varying from .5 [mm] up to 12 [mm].
The effective conicity can be plotted by the mplotf-file
Calculation of wheel-rail conicity according to UIC 518
According to UIC 518 the conicity shall be calculated by letting a single
wheelset travel along the track.
As initial value, the wheelset shall have a lateral offset in the track.
When the wheelset travel along the track, the wave length for the
wheelset shall be measured.
By putting the wave length into Klingel's formula the effective conicity
can be calculated.
File lambda_uic.tsimf
contains a model of a single axle traveling along an ideal track without
File lambda_uic.optif
initiates a number of calculations with different initial value
of the lateral displacement of the wheelset.
File lambda_uic_table.mplotf
calculates the effective conicity by using Klingel's formula.
The results from lambda_uic_table.mplotf is presented in a scalar named "Lambda"
in the *.print-file in the mplotr-directory.
Script lambda_uic_mplot.bat
can be used for evaluating several effective conicities at different lateral
displacement amplitudes.
For creating a graph of the effective conicities according to UIC 518,
input data file
lambda_uic_graph.mplotf can be used.
In order to calculate the effective conicities according to UIC 518,
do as follows:
- Copy file lambda_uic.tsimf to your own directory, and change the
wheel-rail geometry file.
- Start the calculations in program OPTI by the file lambda_uic.optif.
- Execute script mplot.bat can be used for making a table of effective conicity
v.s. lateral displacement amplitude,
- Execute program MPLOT with file lambda_uic_graph.mplotf in order to make a
graph of the effective conicity v.s. lateral displacement amplitude.
Make a simple linear interpolation
File intpl.tsimf shows an example
how to make a simple linear interpolation.
Generation of sine waves
File sin.runf shows how to
generate sine waves in program TSIM.
The sine waves can later be used in program MPLOT for testing the behavior
of different filters.
Storing track forces on GPdat-file
In order to animate track forces in program GPLOT,
they must be stored to the GPdat-file in the time-simulation phase.
Before the data can be stored to disk, the position of the contact point on wheel and
rail must be calculated.
File posw.runf shows how to calculate these variables.
File store_gpdat.runf shows how to store the wheel-
and rail-profiles to the GPdat-file,
for later animation in program GPLOT.
Recommended track stiffnesses for wooden and concrete sleepers
In file knwr_n.runf recommended values
for track stiffnesses and damping are listed when a substructure file
wr_coupl_n*.ins is used.
In file knwr_p.runf recommended values
for track stiffnesses and damping are listed when a substructure file
wr_coupl_p*.ins is used.
Create variables showing the position of contact on wheel and rail
File posw.runf shows how to
create variables showing the location of the contact point on wheel and rail.
The location of the contact point is interpolated from the wheel-rail geometry
functions cpt_.poswfn and cpt_.posrfn.
Create track irregularities via a function
File trc_func.runf shows how to
generate track irregularities by a mathematical function.
Stop the time simulation at a certain point on the track.
Copy the lines in file tsim_Xstop.runf if you
want to control where the simulation shall stop.
Modify current track average gauge with variable track_width.
Copy the lines in file mean_gauge.runf if you
want to control the average track gauge by variable track_width.
Automatic calculation of the speed in curves.
Copy the lines in file speed_curve.runf if you
want to automatically control the speed of the vehicle in curves.
Reading and plotting ASCII-files in MPLOT
Besides reading data from a MPdat-file generated by program CALC,
data from ASCII-files can be feed into program MPLOT.
File track_irr.mplotf
shows how to read and plot data written in columns from ASCII-file
Creation of a cumulative frequency function and percentiles
File ptile.mplotf shows how to
generate a cumulative frequency function and percentiles in
program MPLOT.
Post processing of results generated by program FRESP
File fresp_post.mplotf shows how to:
calculate absolute value and phase angle of a Fourier spectra.
File fresp_post.mplotf also shows how to generate an acceleration spectra
from a displacement spectra.
Calculating Ride Index Wz in program MPLOT
File ftwz.mplotf
shows how to calculate ride comfort according to Wz.
In the input data example the same section of track is selected for all
acceleration points, by using the subcommand tsname.
Continuous evaluation of ride comfort according to Wz
Input data file cont_wz.mplotf
shows an example how to generate continuous evaluation of ride comfort
according to Wz.
Continuous evaluation of ride comfort according to ISO8041L
Input data file cont_ISO.mplotf
shows an example how to generate continuous evaluation of ride comfort
according to ISO8041L.
Using motion sickness filters
The mplotf-file m_sick.mplotf
shows how to calculate motion sickness with two different filters.
Translation of a kpfr-file into a file readable by program MATLAB
Program kpf_conv_kpfr2matlab
translates a kpfr-file into a MATLAB m-file.