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Recommended names for masses and couplings   

The user can use any names he or she wants to when creating the masses and couplings, but it is recommended to follow a convention in order to more easily read input data files written by other people.

Recommended names for distances:
a or A   Longitudinal distance
b or B Lateral distance
h or H Vertical distance
aba_ Longitudinal distance from middle of bogie to middle of axle (wheelset)
acb_ Longitudinal distance from middle of car-body to middle of bogie
czcb.A_ Attachment point, longitudinal position, vertical secondary damper
czcb.Hc_ Attachment point, vertical position in car-body, vertical secondary damper
czcb.Hb_ Attachment point, vertical position in bogie, vertical secondary damper

Recommended names of the masses:
car_1 car-body
bog_11 bogie frame
bol_11 bolster beam
axl_111 Axle and/or wheelset
whe_111r Free rotating wheel or resilient wheel
trc_111 The accompanying piece of track under each wheelset
grd_111 The fix point under each piece of track

Numbering system
As can be seen in the above:
One digit refers to the number of the vehicle.
Two digits refers to the number of the bogie or bolster beam. The first bogie in the first vehicle is denoted 11, the second bogie in the first vehicle is denoted 12, the first bogie in the second vehicle is denoted 21,,, etc.
Three digits refers to the number of the wheelset, track piece or ground. The first axle in the first bogie in the first vehicle is denoted 111, the second axle in the first bogie in the first vehicle is denoted 112, the first axle in the second bogie in the first vehicle is denoted 121,,, etc.

Recommended names of the couplings:
The name should mainly be build up by the following parts:

  1. Type of coupling:
    k =  Stiffness
    c =  Viscous damper
    kc =  Viscous damper with serial flexibility
    kf =  Friction damper with serial flexibility
  2. Direction of action:
    x =  Longitudinal
    y =  Lateral
    z =  Vertical
    f =  Roll
    k =  Pitch
    p =  Yaw
    c =  Direction of coupling
    m =  Matrix direction
  3. Body connected to the first end of the coupling:
    c =  Car-body
    b =  Bogie
    l =  Bolster beam
    a =  Axle (wheelset)
    w =  Wheel
    r =  Rail
    t =  Track
    g =  Ground
  4. Body connected to the second end of the coupling:
    c =  Car-body
    b =  Bogie
    l =  Bolster beam
    a =  Axle (wheelset)
    w =  Wheel
    r =  Rail
    t =  Track
    g =  Ground
  5. The number of the coupling.
    If the coupling exists on both right and left side of the vehicle, the letters "r" or "l" could be added to the coupling-number.
    If the coupling exists both forward and backward in the bogie, the letters "f" or "b" could be added to the coupling-number.
kzcb11r Secondary spring
kfcb11 Anti-roll bar
kycbs11 Secondary lateral bumpstop
cycb11r Secondary lateral hydraulic damper
czcb11r Secondary vertical hydraulic damper
cccb11r Yaw damper
kzba111r Primary spring
czba111r Primary vertical hydraulic damper
kytg111 Lateral track stiffness
cytg111 Lateral damping in track

Names generated in substructure wr_coupl:
tral111.y Lateral displacement of track center line due to track irregularity
tral111.z Vertical displacement of track center line due to track irregularity
tral111.f Cant error due to track irregularity
tral111.k Pitch error due to track irregularity
tral111.p Yaw error due to track irregularity
tral111.vy Lateral velocity of track center line due to track irregularity
tral111.vz Vertical velocity of track center line due to track irregularity
tral111r.y Lateral displacement right rail
tral111l.y Lateral displacement left rail
tral111r.z Vertical displacement right rail
tral111l.z Vertical displacement left rail
tral111r.vy Lateral velocity right rail
tral111l.vy Lateral velocity left rail
tral111r.vz Vertical velocity right rail
tral111l.vz Vertical velocity left rail
cp_111r.eta Relative wheel-rail displacement, right side
cp_111l.eta Relative wheel-rail displacement, left side
cpt_111r.dr Change in wheel radius right wheel
cpt_111l.dr Change in wheel radius left wheel
cpt_111r.gam Angle of contact point right wheel
cpt_111l.gam Angle of contact point left wheel
cpt_111r.z Wheel lift right wheel
cpt_111l.z Wheel lift left wheel
cpt_111r.ro Wheel-rail curvature difference, tread, right wheel
cpt_111l.ro Wheel-rail curvature difference, tread, left wheel
cpt_111r.a/b The a/b-ratio of the contact ellipse, tread right wheel
cpt_111r.c Geom. average radius of the contact ellipse c=sqrt(a*b), tread right wheel
cpt_111r.nux Longitudinal creepage, tread, right wheel
cpt_111l.nuy Lateral creepage, tread, right wheel
cpt_111r.spin Spin creepage, tread, right wheel
cpt_111l.Fn Contact force, tread, right wheel
cpt_111r.Fny Creep force tangential to the contact surface, tread, right wheel
cpt_111l.Fx Longitudinal force, tread, right wheel
cpt_111r.Fy Lateral force, tread, right wheel
cpt_111l.Fz Vertical force, tread, right wheel

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