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Users Manual for Program MTABLE

Table of Contents

   Input data commands
   Input data Example
   Output data Example


Program MTABLE extracts scalars written in *.resu-files generated by program MPLOT. Program MTABLE automatically executes program MPLOT if necessary. MTABLE collects the results from different calculations and generates a table which summarizes all calculations in one file MTABLE_FILE. If the user so which, the table in the MTABLE_FILE can be sorted in different ways by the script sort_mtabler.

Input data commands

Input data are read in free format, valid separators between the input values are <space>, <comma>, <tab>, <equal sign> or <carriage return>. The commands can be written both in lower and upper case letters. The operation of the program is controlled by the commands described below; some of the commands also need arguments.

FOLLOW_SECS= <fsecs>
Update the output every fsecs seconds.
When program MTABLE is extracting results from calculations made in program OPTI. It is possible to let program MTABLE follow the results written in program OPTI, the output is updated every fsecs [s]. If fsecs is less or equal 0(zero) program MTABLE will only write to MTABLE_FILE only once and then stop further execution.
Declared= Real*4    Default= 0.

IDENT_FILES= <.id-files>
Extract results from the following files. The file description under the IDENT_FILES-command can be written as a UNIX ambiguous file reference. How the UNIX ambiguous file references shall be written, please write opman sh and search for ambiguous file reference or pathname expansion.
The files under IDENT_FILES can be any of *.resu, *.mp or *.id. Up to 1000 files or expressions can be written under IDENT_FILES.
Declared= Character*80(1000)    Default= "id/*.id"

LIMIT_VALUE= <val_lim>
Mark values exceeding val_lim in red font in the output table.
Declared= Real*4    Default= 1.e36

MPLOTF_FILE= <.mplotf-file>
Defines the *.mplotf-file to be used when creating the *.resu- and *.mp-files.
Program MTABLE reads the the timestamp of the *.mplotf-file and *.id-files, if necessary MTABLE will start program MPLOT in order to update the contents in the *.resu- and/or *.mp-files.
If MPLOTF_FILE equals blank, program MTABLE will not start program MPLOT.
Declared= Character*132    Default= Blank

WRITE_ID= <char>
Indicator for writing the names of the *.resu-files used in the table.
char=no => No output will be written in the table.
char=yes=> The *.resu-files will be written in the first column of the table.
Declared= Character*3    Default= yes

WRITE_HEAD= <char>
Indicator for writing a head line in the table.
char=no => No output will be written in the table.
char=yes=> Head line number HEAD_NO will be written in the last column of the table.
Declared= Character*3    Default= yes

HEAD_NO= <value>
Setting the head line number to be printed in the table.
Declared= Integer*4    Default= 1

VARIABLES= <chars>
Variables to be extracted from the *.resu-files and written in the table.
The number of items defined under command VARIABLES will control the number of columns to be written in the output table. If no variables are defined, program MTABLE will exit with an error message.
Declared= Character*24(100)    Default= Blank

VALUE= <chars>
Controls the type of value to be written in the output table.
The contents in the *.resu-files are generated by the STAT- and FTWZ-command in program MPLOT. If number of items in VALUE are less than number of items in VARIABLES program MTABLE will repeat the last item in VALUE for the last variables in VARIABLES. If number of items in VALUE are more than number of items in VARIABLES the extra data in VALUE will be omitted.

Following keywords reads scalars generated in the STAT-command:
MAX = The maximum value of the variable
MIN = The minimum value of the variable
NO = The scalar will not be searched for in the .resu-file
RMS = The RMS-value of the variable
RMQ = The RMQ-value of the variable.
AVERAGE = The average value of the variable,
key-word AV can also be used.
STANDARD_DEVIATION = The standard deviation of the variable,
key-word SD can also be used.
PERCENTILE_0.15 = The 0.15 percentile of the variable,
key-word PTILE_0.15 can also be used.
PERCENTILE_25 = The 25 percentile of the variable,
key-word PTILE_25 can also be used.
PERCENTILE_50 = The 50 percentile of the variable,
key-word PTILE_50 can also be used.
PERCENTILE_75 = The 75 percentile of the variable,
key-word PTILE_75 can also be used.
PERCENTILE_99.85 = The 99.85 percentile of the variable,
key-word PTILE_99.85 can also be used.
XVAR_WHEN_MAX = The time when the maximum value of the variable was obtained
key-word TMA can also be used.
XVAR_WHEN_MIN = The time when the minimum value of the variable was obtained
key-word TMI can also be used.
ABS_MAX = The maximum value of abs(MAX) and abs(MIN),
key-word AMAX can also be used.

Following keywords reads scalars generated by the FTWZ-command:
WZ = Ride Index WZ
DF = The dominating frequency in Ride Index WZ
F1 = The dominating frequency in the Fourier series.
A1 = The amplitude of the dominating frequency in the Fourier series.
Fx = Frequency number x in the Fourier series.
Ax = Amplitude number x in the Fourier series
ASUM= The sum of A1-A6

Declared= Character*24(100)    Default= ABS_MAX

FORMAT= <chars>
Controls how the columns in the table will be printed.
The syntax of command FORMAT is designed in the same way as in the FORTRAN write statement. The documentation of the format specification can be found in any FORTRAN manual, but here follows a brief description: If number of items in FORMAT are less than number of items in VARIABLES program MTABLE will repeat the last item in FORMAT for the last variables in VARIABLES.
If number of items in FORMAT are more than number of items in VARIABLES the extra data in FORMAT will be omitted.
Declared= Character*24(100)    Default= '(1p,g12.4)'

SCALE= <chars>
Scaling factor to be applied to the values in VARIABLES.
All values in each column will be multiplied by this scale factor. If number of items in SCALE are less than number of items in VARIABLES program MTABLE will repeat the last item in SCALE for the last variables in VARIABLES. If number of items in SCALE are more than number of items in VARIABLES the extra data in SCALE will be omitted.
Declared= Real*4(100)    Default= 1.0

MTABLE_FILE= <output-file>
Defines the output file where the table will be printed.
If MTABLE_FILE is not defined the output will be written to standard output.
Declared= Character*132    Default= Blank

Defines if the MTABLE_FILE should be appended or replaced.
Declared= Character*3    Default= no

Defines the creating of MTABLE_FILE backup files.
If MTABLE_FILE_BACKUPS sets equal to yes, old results will be saved in backup files. A maximum of 10 backup files can be created.
Declared= Character*3    Default= yes

WRITE_INFOS= <yes/no>
Indicator for writing info messages to standard output.
The info messages contains information about how program MTABLE searches for the required scalars.
Declared= Character*3    Default= yes

Indicator for writing warning messages to standard output.
It can be useful to suppress the messages when writing the result file MTABLE_FILE to standard output.
Declared= Character*3    Default= yes

A command which stops reading of input data, and starts the execution of the program.


Following example: Master.mtablef can be used as a master file:

##     Input data for program MTABLE

 IDENT_FILES= id/*.id                # Select idents

 MPLOTF_FILE= mplotf/Master.mplotf   # MPLOT input data file

 WRITE_ID   = yes                    # Write the ident in the table
 WRITE_HEAD = yes  HEAD_NO= 4        # Write head line #4 in the table

 VARIABLES  = S111 S112 S121 S122    # Variables to be written
 VALUE      = abs_max                # Type of value to be written
 FORMAT     = '(f11.3)'              # Output format and scale,
 SCALE      = 1e-3                   # last item will be repeated

 LIMIT_VALUE= 80e3                   # Mark big values in red
 MTABLE_FILE= S_forces.mtabler       # Output data file
 MTABLE_FILE_BACKUPS= yes            # Create MTABLE_FILE backups

 WRITE_WARNINGS= yes                 # Write warning messages
 WRITE_INFOS= yes                    # Write information messages

 FOLLOW_SECS= 60.                    # Update the output every 60 sec.
                                     # Useful when running OPTI

Output data example:

Following example shows the mplotr output file written in RTF-format:

#                                                    |car_1|car_1|car_1|car_1|car_1|car_1|car_1| 
#                                                    |_m.ax|b1.ay|_m.ay|b2.ay|b1.az|_m.az|b2.az| 
#                                                    | wzWZ| wzWZ| wzWZ| wzWZ| wzWZ| wzWZ| wzWZ| 
#Date:      Idents:                                  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |  Head lines:
#                                                    |   1.|   1.|   1.|   1.|   1.|   1.|   1.|
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp                         1.57  2.56  2.09  2.52  2.17  1.87  2.44   Reference case

2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_v160                    1.51  2.39  1.96  2.37  2.09  1.69  2.27   Lower  speed  vkmh= 160
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_v240                    1.64  2.65  2.19  2.69  2.27  2.04  2.58   Higher speed  vkmh= 240
2017-08-08  tang_tirr_170731sp_v280                    1.70  2.79  2.30  2.86  2.36  2.16  2.69   Higher speed  vkmh= 280

2017-08-07  tang_tirr_170731sp_trac_Mra-Rv_145-150.80  1.68  2.91  2.47  2.95  2.56  2.16  2.85   Other track irregularities 1
2017-08-06  tang_tirr_170731sp_trac_T-Sk_288-298       1.54  2.48  2.03  2.52  2.23  1.88  2.48   Other track irregularities 2

2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_1427                    1.68  2.43  1.96  2.57  2.17  1.87  2.45   Tight gauge 1427
2017-09-17  tang_tirr_170731sp_1429                    1.60  2.32  1.97  2.51  2.17  1.87  2.45   Tight gauge 1429
2017-09-17  tang_tirr_170731sp_1431                    1.58  2.37  2.04  2.56  2.17  1.87  2.44   Tight gauge 1431
2017-09-17  tang_tirr_170731sp_1433                    1.57  2.42  2.06  2.53  2.17  1.87  2.44   Tight gauge 1433
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp                         1.57  2.56  2.09  2.52  2.17  1.87  2.44   Reference case
2017-09-17  tang_tirr_170731sp_1437                    1.57  2.66  2.22  2.59  2.17  1.87  2.44   Tight gauge 1437
2017-09-17  tang_tirr_170731sp_1439                    1.57  2.73  2.28  2.62  2.17  1.87  2.44   Tight gauge 1439

2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_S1002worn4              1.76  2.60  2.04  2.80  2.18  1.87  2.45   Wheels S1002worn4 leading to a conicity of ~0.7
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_1427_S1002worn4         2.01  3.17  2.50  3.30  2.21  1.88  2.48   Wheels S1002worn4 and tight gauge 1427

2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel1a                  1.51  2.51  2.10  2.56  2.70  2.03  2.77   F_1a  All secondary springs packed with snow. (alt resting on emergency springs)

2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel2a                  1.58  2.83  2.28  2.72  2.17  1.87  2.45   F_2a  All secondary lateral dampers out of order
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel2b                  1.57  2.58  2.10  2.57  2.17  1.87  2.45   F_2b  One secondary lateral damper in trailing bogie out of order
2017-08-06  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel2c                  1.57  2.61  2.13  2.51  2.17  1.87  2.45   F_2b  One secondary lateral damper in leading bogie out of order

2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel3a                  1.61  2.60  2.16  2.52  2.60  2.17  2.81   F_3a  All secondary vertical dampers out of order
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel3b                  1.59  2.57  2.11  2.52  2.22  1.93  2.53   F_3b  One secondary vertical damper in trailing bogie out of order
2017-08-06  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel3c                  1.57  2.57  2.11  2.52  2.21  1.93  2.47   F_3b  One secondary vertical damper in leading bogie out of order

2017-08-01  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel4a                  2.82  3.42  3.14  4.14  2.50  1.90  2.64   F_4a  All secondary yaw dampers out of order
2017-08-01  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel4b                  1.86  2.50  2.15  2.65  2.19  1.88  2.49   F_4b  One yaw damper in trailing bogie out of order
2017-08-01  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel4c                  1.84  2.58  2.10  2.52  2.18  1.87  2.44   F_4c  One yaw damper in leading bogie out of order

2017-08-01  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel5a                  1.50  2.79  2.30  2.60  2.23  1.93  2.51   F_5a  All primary dampers out of order
2017-08-01  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel5b                  1.55  2.58  2.11  2.56  2.18  1.87  2.45   F_5b  One primary damper in trailing bogie out of order
2017-08-06  tang_tirr_170731sp_Ffel5c                  1.54  2.57  2.11  2.52  2.19  1.87  2.45   F_5b  One primary damper in leading bogie out of order

2017-08-08  tang_tirr_170731sp_tracV80c                 xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   Bad track alignment track_V80c
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_tracV120b               1.76  2.88  2.60  3.03  2.35  1.99  2.61   Bad track alignment track_V120b
2017-07-31  tang_tirr_170731sp_tracV160a               1.64  2.87  2.42  2.88  2.40  2.11  2.73   Bad track alignment track_V160a
2017-08-07  tang_tirr_170731sp_trac_Mra-Rv_145-150.60  1.54  2.72  2.29  2.72  2.35  1.98  2.61   Bad track alignment Mra-Rv_145-150
2017-08-03  tang_tirr_170731sp_trac_Mra-Rv_145-150     1.82  3.09  2.61  3.14  2.73  2.31  3.05   Bad track alignment Mra-Rv_145-150
2017-08-07  tang_tirr_170731sp_trac_T-Sk_288-298.80    1.44  2.35  1.94  2.35  2.09  1.76  2.32   Bad track alignment T-Sk_288-298

A field filled with XXXX's means that the scalar is missing.

A field filled with ****'s means that the column is too tight to hold the value of the variable. Please increase the width of the column in the FORMAT-command.