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Designed track geometry

The track consists of tangent track sections and circular curves, and in between theses sections there are transition curves.



Track center line may move, depending on how the cant is created. If the cant is created by rotating the track around track center line and top of rail, Z-lift will always be 0.(zero). However, often the cant is created by rotating the track around the inner rail, this causes the track center line to move upwards in curves. The upward lift will correspond to cant/2.

Input data example

###     Designed(nominal) track geometry                                                                
###     ==========================================================                                      
  func const CurveRadius=  1000                # Curve radius in [m]
  func const CurveCant=   0.100                # Cant of track in [m]
  func intpl_r ro_trac_design  -100.+Xtrac_start  0.
                                 40.+Xtrac_start  0.
                                160.+Xtrac_start  1/CurveRadius
                                240.+Xtrac_start  1/CurveRadius
                                680.+Xtrac_start  0.
                              10000.+Xtrac_start  0.
  func intpl_r f_trac_design   -100.+Xtrac_start  0.
                                 40.+Xtrac_start  0.
                                160.+Xtrac_start  CurveCant/(2*bo_)
                                240.+Xtrac_start  CurveCant/(2*bo_)
                                680.+Xtrac_start  0.
                              10000.+Xtrac_start  0.
  func intpl_r z_trac_design   -100.+Xtrac_start  0.
                                 40.+Xtrac_start  0.
                                160.+Xtrac_start -abs(CurveCant)/2.
                                240.+Xtrac_start -abs(CurveCant)/2.
                                680.+Xtrac_start  0.
                              10000.+Xtrac_start  0.
  s_var scalar_0 CurveRadius
  s_var scalar_0 CurveCant

  func const  Curve_TC_beg1=  40+Xtrac_start    # Beginning of transition curve
  func const  Curve_TC_end1= 160+Xtrac_start    # End of transition curve
  s_var scalar_0 Curve_TC_beg1                  # Store for evaluation
  s_var scalar_0 Curve_TC_end1                  # of PCT

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Lateral acceleration
The lateral acceleration caused by the curve can be calculated in the following formula:
 Y_cp=     Vo2  CurveCant * g
       CurveRadius      2*bo_  
Where:Vo =Speed of the vehicle in [m/s]
 bo_=Lateral semi-distance between the nominal rolling circles of the wheels [m]
  g =Earth gravity [m/s2]

Above formula can also be written as:
 Vo= √CurveRadius*(Y_cp + CurveCant/(2*bo_)*g)