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Installation of extra packages

Before the installation of extra packages. Fetch the latest version of the package list, by running this command:

sudo  apt-get update

In a standard installation, only the most common packages will follow. However, Gensys needs some extra packages in order to work well. These packages can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install \
  tcl                          \
  tk                           \
  apt-file                     \
  eom                          \
  evince                       \
  ffmpeg                       \
  gimp                         \
  imagemagick                  \
  meld                         \
  pcregrep                     \
  xdotool                      \
  xclip                        \
  unison                       \
  unison-gtk                   \
  octave                       \
  octave-signal                \
  octave-sockets               \
  octave-statistics            \
  gnuplot                      \
  gnuplot-x11                  \
  openssh-server               \
  openssh-client               \
  lftp                         \
  filezilla                    \
  samba                        \
  megatools                    \
  git                          \
  gitk                         \
  at                           \
  munge                        \
  slurm-wlm                    \

If you want to do development work. Please also install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install \
  gcc-10                       \
  g++-10                       \
  gfortran-10                  \
  gfortran-doc                 \
  cmake                        \
  libreadline-dev              \
  libncurses5-dev              \
  libxpm-dev                   \
  libxmu-dev                   \
  libxext-dev                  \
  libgl1-mesa-dev              \
  libglu1-mesa-dev             \
  libpcre3-dev                 \
  libvte-2.91-dev              \
  libgtk-3-dev                 \
  libgtk2.0-dev                \
  libfm-dev                    \
  libfm-gtk-dev                \
  libvte-dev                   \
  libstartup-notification0-dev \
  libgamin-dev                 \
  intltool                     \
  gamin                        \
  python3-pip                  \

An explanation what the above packages do:

tcl A high-level, general-purpose programming language.
tk Toolkit for Tcl and X11

Packages that are convenient, but not necessary:

apt-file An APT package searching utility
eom Eye of mate. View image files: jpeg, bmp, png, etc.
evince View pdf-files.
ffmpeg Create videos
gimp Gnu Image Manipulation Program
imagemagick A free open-source sortware suite for the creation, modification and display of bitmap images.
meld A graphical diff viewer and merge application
pcregrep Perl-compatible regexp.
xdotool Lets you programmatically (or manually) simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. E.g. "xdotool getmouselocation --shell" gives mouse position.
xclip Command line interface to X selections (cc=pipe output from terminal to clipboard).

Packages that require configurations:

unison A file-synchronization tool
unison-gtk A GUI-tool for unison.
After installation of unison write the following in a terminal:
mkdir ~/.unison
echo "
# Unison preferences file

merge= Name * -> meld CURRENT1 CURRENT2
#iff = /usr/bin/meld CURRENT1 CURRENT2
diff = opdiff CURRENT1 CURRENT2
confirmmerge= true

ignore= Name *~

ignore= Path .unison" > ~/.unison/default.prf

GNU Octave language for numerical computations (mostly MATLAB compatible):

octave The main package.
octave-signal Signal processing functions for Octave.
octave-sockets Communication through Internet sockets. To enable Co-simulations and Hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
octave-statistics Additional statistical functions for Octave.
gnuplot An interactive plotting program.
gnuplot-x11 A sub-package to gnuplot which generates X11-output.


openssh-server SSH server, for secure access from remote machines.
openssh-client SSH client, for secure access to remote machines.
lftp Sophisticated command-line FTP/HTTP/BitTorrent client program.
filezilla Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client with GUI.
samba Mounting and mapping shares between Windows and Linux.
megatools Command-line client for the Mega cloud storage service.
git A distributed revision control system.
gitk A tcl/tk revision tree visualizer.

Queue systems:

at Execute commands when system load levels permit.

SLURM workload manager

munge MUNGE credential encoder.
slurm-wlm Slurm Workload Manager.
sview Graphical user interface to view and modify Slurm state.

Programming tools: (only necessary if you want to write own source code)

gcc-12 C-compiler
g++-12 C++-compiler
gfortran-12 Fortran-compiler
gfortran-doc Fortran documentation
cmake A free and open-source software for build automation, testing, packaging and installation of software by using a compiler-independent method
libreadline-dev Development libraries.
libncurses5-dev   – "
libxpm-dev   – "
libxmu-dev   – "
libxext-dev   – "
libgl1-mesa-dev   – "
libglu1-mesa-dev   – "
libpcre3-dev   – "
libvte-2.91-dev   – "
libgtk-3-dev   – "
libgtk2.0-dev   – "
libfm-dev   – "
libfm-gtk-dev   – "
libvte-dev   – "
libstartup-notification0-dev   – "
libgamin-dev   – "
intltool Automatically extracts translatable strings from oaf, glade, bonobo ui, nautilus theme and other XML files into the po files.
gamin File and directory monitoring system
python3-pip The Python package installer
texlive The TeX Live software distribution offers the complete TeX system.

Download and install gensys from a deb-file

  1. Download the deb-file:
    Depending your C library version, you must chose the deb-file that fits to your system. To see your C library version, please write:
    ldd --version
    Please choose the deb-files that is suitable for your machine:
    C library version 2.31 gensys-2311_231211_2.31_amd64.deb
    C library version 2.35 gensys-2311_231129_2.35_amd64.deb
    (If you have problems with downloading the file. Please check the following:
  2. If the file has been successfully downloaded:
    The size of the deb-files should be:
      Bytes:         File:
    101366944       gensys-2311_231211_2.31_amd64.deb
     69896188       gensys-2311_231129_2.35_amd64.deb
    The sha256sum message digest of the deb-files should be:
    sha256sum *.deb
    63ae163b6df45394f0af4131d2220072855bc37c333e2e0943831c9af6640404  gensys-2311_231211_2.31_amd64.deb
    4f4e99478c9579b4a60e733bb933363253fca9a5a605a2b2e20e11ed53189386  gensys-2311_231129_2.35_amd64.deb
  3. Unpack one of the deb-files with command:
    sudo gdebi gensys-2311_231211_2.31_amd64.deb 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/gdebi.out
    sudo gdebi gensys-2311_231129_2.35_amd64.deb 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/gdebi.out
    Gensys is now installed in directory "/opt/gensys/gensys-2311"

Set search path and other initilization files

Download the setup files:
Move the two files to your home directory.

Make sure file install_setup_files.sh has execute permissions:

chmod +x install_setup_files.sh

Then launch script ./install_setup_files.sh:


Log out an in again, to make the changes to take effect.
You should now be able to launch genfile and genterm, by double clicking on the Gensys icons in the background menu.

Download and uncompress the documentation and the verification examples

N.B. In this step you will create the following three directories: free_models, homepage and verif. If you have old versions of these directories, they will be overritten.
If you want to keep your old versions of free_models, homepage and verif, you can skip this part. Alternatively you can uncompress these files in another directory, and compare them with your old existing directories using script opdiff_dir.