Reference Manual
Updates from rel.9710 to rel.9803
Author: Ingemar Persson (DEsolver)
Program CALC
If input data variables are enclosed in {}-parenthesis and separated
with |-signs, several alternative input data variables can be given.
In massless12, don't stop the execution if the tolerance is not
fulfilled just write a warning.
A new mass massless12p, where the tolerance is a position tolerance instead
of a force tolerance.
New test conditions .exist. and .not_exist. in if_then_init, which makes
it possible to select input data reading depending on if a variable
exists or not.
New input data command tsim_param which is equal to intsub.
In command 'func inv' division by zero could occur, now it is limited to 1.e30.
In case of variable in head are between .1 and 1., write the result
with three decimals.
Check if gen_conf or .gen_conf have execute permission.
New short-command "lt" in script calcp, which only lists the ten newest
*.runf-files sorted in time order.
New option -quasi which runs program QUASI i series with tsim, fresp or modal.
New option -npick which runs program NPICK i series with quasi, fresp,
modal or tsim.
Correction of a bug in the subroutine DATIM, the prefix 20 were applied already
in year 1998.
CALC substructures
New substructures save_car1.ins, save_bog1.ins and save_axl1.ins, for
storing of variables with English names.
The English names can be obtained by the following substitutions:
Change the variables kph$2.ext into cpt_$2r.ext
Change the variables kpv$2.ext into cpt_$2l.ext
Change the variables kfh$2.ext into cpf_$2r.ext
Change the variables kfv$2.ext into cpf_$2l.ext
New substructure fl_wear1.ins with English names.
The substructure handles both one point and two point contact.
The substructure also includes a call to umspin,
so the English users should not make any separate call to umspin.
New substructure t_irr_p1.ins with English names,
modeling the coupling between wheel and rail with a massless rail.
The massless rail has lateral and vertical degrees of freedom.
The substructure handles both one point and two point contact.
The substructure handles both individual wheel-rail geometry at each wheel,
and a common wheel-rail geometry valid for all wheels.
New substructures t_irr_ne.ins and t_irr_ne1.ins with English names
similar to the previous t_irr_n.ins and t_irr_n1.ins,
but written in one large function.
Program MPLOT
If a valid main-command is read after the PAGE-command
it will be interpreted as an input data command,
if not the rest of the line will be considered to be a comment line.
New filters ERRI153_Wb and ERRI153_Wd which corresponds to the filters
defined in ERRI question B153 report no 18 final report.
The filters ERRI153_Wb and ERRI153_Wd are similar to the old ISOL5 and
ISOV5 filter, but is numerically better because the ISOL5- and ISOV5-
filter was only manually fitted to graphs.
New Ride Index calculations introduced:
VPV_SP2 = Vertical Sperling's Ride Index Wz with quadratic sum
LPV_SP2 = Lateral Sperling's Ride Index Wz with quadratic sum
VPV_SP3 = Vertical Sperling's Ride Index Wz with cubic sum
LPV_SP3 = Lateral Sperling's Ride Index Wz with cubic sum
When MPLOT is running in TS-mode will the *.id-files be listed with
option -t, in order to get the result files sorted
with the newest file first and the oldest file last.
Open the .gen_conf file even when program MPLOT is running with option -ts,
in order to read options -save_mp or -no_save_mp.
Don't create an ident if a call to an unknown ident is made.
If an ident have two MPdat-files *.id and *.mp open the file with the newest
The mplot script reads the option qread_runf and no_qread_runf.
Program GPLOT
In command read_runf, read_gpdat_velo and read_gpdat_pos
check if gendir=yes or not. If $gendir=yes list only the
content in directory $runf, if $gendir= list files with extension .runf.
Update the coordinates of the center point when rotating the picture
in key controlled mode.
New commands box_mass and figure_mass which creates a figure describing
the body relative to it's center of gravity.
New pull down menu option print_file.
When pushing the apply button in the draw_deform popup menu, the main window will
immediately enter the key_controlled-mode.
Program OPTI
The limitation of max 17 concurrent jobs has been removed.
New options run and no_run, which makes it possible to execute
program OPTI and only generate input data files for the subprogram.
The subprogram feed into program OPTI will not be executed.
In order to rerun a calculation which have stopped abnormally,
please remove the last item in the optir-file containing information
regarding the stopped calculation.
In command EXPF_SUBST and RUNF_SUBST make an error printout and stop the
execution of the program, if number of characters exceeds 80.
Possibly to read input data file and ident from command line arguments.
The opti script reads the option qread_runf and no_qread_runf.
Program NPICK
Find the coordinates for command "func accp_bodyfix" in the input
data file.
Change the size of femgfi and femrfi from char*80 to char*132.
Change the tolerance in selecting the nodes, in order to avoid badly
shaped tetrahedrons.
Corrected a bug regarding command NODE_INTPL, all nodes was read
from the last NODE_INTPL command.
Better error-printout if the nodes in NODE_INTPL do not describe a
Write a file named $ident.npicki with the selected nodes, which can
be used as an input data file, in order to save execution time in
future calculations.
Possibly to read input data file and ident from command line arguments.
The npick script reads the option qread_runf and no_qread_runf.
Program PREDAT
Write intermediate copies of the input data file into files with extension
*.exp1f and *.exp2f.
In file *.exp1f all insert-commands has been made.
In file *.exp2f all in_substruct-commands has been made.
Possibly to read input data file and ident from command line arguments.
The predat script reads the option qread_runf and no_qread_runf.
Write a maximum of 4 decimals on x- or y- axis.
Earlier maximum of decimals were 5.
Program KPF
Write dyeffcon with two decimals and gauge with one decimal, in plot
number diagram 9) (LAMBDA).
Interpolate the profiles at every 0.1 mm, in order to achieve higher
accuracy in the last conicity plot.
Generate a plot with lines, showing the location of the contact point
on the wheel and the rail.
New input data command YH2KP which divides the wheel into two parts:
tread and flange. Now the input data variable I2KP shell only be set
to 0 or 1.
Auxiliary Commands
A new script dos2ux for converting DOS-files into UNIX-files.
New command "lnew" in order to list the newest files in current directory.
Extended function in command pri: if the file not can be found in current
directory, search for the file in all subdirectories.
In scripts cata_gp, catas and cataf,
short-commands similar to those in tsim, modal,, etc. have been introduced.
A new program a2p_disp for converting ANSYS displacements data into
a PATRAN displacement result file.
A new program a2p_geom for converting ANSYS model data into
a PATRAN neutral file.
Script um executed without arguments open the users manual in a html-browser.
Script um executed with arguments opens the on-line manual as usual.
Reference Manual