Reference Manuals
Simulation at low speeds
Wr_coupl_pe0 is a wheel/rail-coupling that handles vehicle speeds down to 0. [km/h].
At speeds under 0.02 [m/s] the code switches from Kalker to Coulomb friction theories.
This directory contains the following files:
- runf/brake_mu.3_rkona_Vo5.tsimf
After 0.5[s] a brake friction moment is applied to all wheelsets.
The simulation shows the retardation down to full stop.
- runf/front-back_mu.3_rkona.tsimf
The vehicle starts at zero velocity.
After 1[s] a square shaped pitch moment is applied on all wheelsets.
Due to the pitch moment the vehicle will start to move forward and backward.
- runf/curv_mu.3_uic60i40.tsimf
The vehicle enters a curve with a speed of 1[m/s].
The vehicle brakes due to friction forces in the contact surfaces down to full stop.