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Users Manual for Program TRC_QNUMB_TRACK

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   Input data commands


Program TRC_QNUMB_TRACK calculates the track alignment quality of a track written in trac-, trax- or trax_wdesign- format. The alignment quality can be evaluated according to CEN Technical Committee 256, UIC-518, EN14363 or the Swedish Banverket norm BVF 541.60.

Input data

Input data is read in free format, valid separators between the input values are <space>, <comma>, <tab>, <equal sign> or <carriage return>. The commands can be written both in lower and upper case letters. The operation of the program is controlled by the commands described below; some of the commands also need arguments.

Type of evaluation.
Following types are valid:
UIC_518 = Evaluate the track according to working group 10 Vehicle/Track Interaction of CEN Technical Committee 256 Railway Applications. The evaluation is the same as in EN14363.
MAUZIN = Translate the track to mauz-format and evaluate the track quality according to trc_qnumb_mauz which follows norm BVF 541.60.
Declared= Character*12    Default= 'UIC_518'

Equidistant step in X-axle.
If the X-axle in file INFIL not have equidistant steps. The user can force an interpolation to take place before calculation starts by setting DX to a value not equal 0.
Declared= Real*8    Default= 0. (i.e. no interpolation)

Track data file.
Declared= Character*132    Default= Blank

Type of track data file.
Following types are valid:
SRA = The track written in SRA-format.
TRACK = The track is written in trac-, trax- or trax_wdesign-format.
Declared= Character*6    Default= 'SRA'

Length of track sections for which evaluation of standard deviation and Q-numbers will take place.
According to UIC518 – 1999 and CEN/TC_256 WG 10 – 1999 the length of the sections shall be choosen according to:
Track sections in straight track and very large curves (cd ≤ 40[mm])
250 [m]   For speeds ≤ 220 [km/h]
500 [m]   For speeds > 220 [km/h]
Track sections in curves R > 600[m]
100 [m]   For speeds V ≤ 140 [km/h]
250 [m]   For speeds 140 < V ≤ 220 [km/h]
500 [m]   For speeds V > 220 [km/h]
Track sections in curves 400 ≤ R ≤ 600[m]
100 [m]   For all speeds
Track sections in curves 250 ≤ R < 400[m]
70 [m]   For all speeds
Declared= Real*8    Default= 100 [m]

Write the Qnumb-table to external file.
If not defined the Qnumb-table will be written to standard output.
Declared= Character*132    Default= Blank

Command which controls if the working directory "ucat_work" should be removed or not after the calculation.
Declared= Character*4    Default= 'NO'

The maximum permissible speed for the track.
Valid valus are 80, 120, 160, 200 and 300 [km/h].
Declared= real*8    Default= 160 [km/h]

UIC 518 filtered output track file.
Is only created if UTFIL is defined. Only valid for EVALUATE_TYPE= UIC_518.
Declared= Character*132    Default= Blank (No file will be written)

Starting kilometer when analyzing the STRIX-file.
Declared= Integer*4    Default= -1000000000 [km]

Starting meter in XSTART_KM when analyzing the STRIX-file.
Declared= Integer*4    Default= -1000 [m]

End kilometer when analyzing the STRIX-file.
Declared= Integer*4    Default= 1000000000 [km]

End meter in XSTOP_KM when analyzing the STRIX-file.
Declared= Integer*4    Default= 1000 [m]

Example of an input data file

Following example: Master.trc_qnumb_trackf can be used as a master file:

##      Input data for program trc_qnumb_track 



 XSTART_KM=   0         XSTART_M= 0
 XSTOP_KM = 1000000000  XSTOP_M = 0

 SPEED= 120             # Valid speeds are 80, 120, 160, 200 and 300 
 L_INTERVAL= 500        # For speeds over    220 km/h
 L_INTERVAL= 250        # For speeds between 140-220 km/h
 L_INTERVAL= 100        # For speeds lower than  140 km/h

 INFIL_TYPE= track

 INFIL= K2_4a25-g-k.trac
 UTFIL= K2_4a25-g-k.trac.filtered
 QNUMB_FILE= K2_4a25-g-k.qnumbr

Output results:

    Results according to UIC518 and CEN/TC 256 WG 10:                        Ys= Lateral Standard deviation
                     Alignment       Level       Mean    Speed   Threshold   Ym= Lateral Max value
    Distance         Sigma  MAX    Sigma  MAX   Gauge    120.    Level       Zs= Vertical Standard deviation
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------   Zm= Vertical Max value
      0.-    100.   0.56   2.16   0.71   1.83  1433.56    QN<1
    101.-    200.   0.96   2.63   0.69   1.45  1434.03    QN<1
    201.-    300.   1.15   2.31   1.42   3.99  1434.27    QN<1
    301.-    400.   1.49   5.29   1.47   4.51  1443.57  1<QN<2   Ys
    401.-    500.   1.55   3.51   1.43   4.23  1445.94  2<QN<3   Ys
    501.-    600.   1.64   4.53   1.65   4.62  1447.74  2<QN<3   Ys
    601.-    700.   1.28   2.99   1.27   4.09  1449.20  1<QN<2   Ys
    701.-    800.   1.14   2.47   1.46   4.29  1448.15    QN<1
    801.-    900.   1.29   2.99   0.98   2.57  1437.51  1<QN<2   Ys
    901.-   1000.   0.92   2.33   1.19   2.74  1433.75    QN<1
   1001.-   1100.   1.01   2.64   1.03   2.99  1433.11    QN<1
   1101.-   1200.   0.97   2.81   0.92   3.12  1431.84    QN<1
   1201.-   1300.   1.31   3.88   1.01   2.26  1432.99  1<QN<2   Ys
   1301.-   1400.   0.93   2.45   0.81   2.85  1431.73    QN<1
   1401.-   1500.   0.78   2.18   0.97   3.67  1432.65    QN<1
   1501.-   1600.   0.65   2.11   1.04   3.30  1431.44    QN<1
   1601.-   1700.   0.81   1.84   1.05   2.79  1432.05    QN<1
   1701.-   1800.   0.92   2.92   1.06   3.24  1436.91    QN<1
   1801.-   1900.   0.91   2.55   0.87   2.34  1451.03    QN<1
   1901.-   2000.   1.43   4.46   1.15   4.42  1454.83  1<QN<2   Ys
   2001.-   2100.   2.73   6.79   1.91   6.52  1450.96  2<QN<3   Ys
   2101.-   2200.   1.30   4.03   1.18   3.45  1447.66  1<QN<2   Ys
   2201.-   2300.   1.10   2.91   1.00   2.58  1435.93    QN<1
   2301.-   2400.   0.88   2.09   1.00   3.70  1432.30    QN<1
   2401.-   2500.   0.94   2.44   1.01   2.88  1431.85    QN<1
   2501.-   2600.   0.39   1.85   1.21   4.04  1432.15    QN<1
   2601.-   2700.   0.36   2.00   0.93   2.19  1432.48    QN<1
   2701.-   2800.   0.36   2.01   1.17   3.85  1431.92    QN<1
   2801.-   2900.   0.39   1.63   1.13   2.64  1433.44    QN<1
   2901.-   3000.   0.50   1.87   1.23   3.94  1431.80    QN<1
   3001.-   3100.   0.35   2.19   0.91   2.16  1432.62    QN<1
   3101.-   3200.   0.38   2.45   1.14   4.25  1435.88    QN<1
   3201.-   3300.   0.49   2.79   1.17   3.24  1440.94    QN<1
   3301.-   3400.   0.38   1.78   0.93   1.82  1443.67    QN<1
   3401.-   3500.   0.34   2.46   0.87   2.10  1442.09    QN<1
   3501.-   3600.   0.39   3.82   0.96   2.76  1444.46    QN<1
   3601.-   3700.   0.50   4.35   0.93   2.47  1445.71    QN<1
   3701.-   3800.   0.31   2.45   1.45   3.63  1436.86    QN<1
   3801.-   3900.   0.40   2.22   0.92   2.48  1432.30    QN<1
   3901.-   4000.   0.48   3.58   0.97   3.59  1432.38    QN<1
   4001.-   4100.   0.61   4.01   1.68   6.88  1432.78    QN<1
   4101.-   4200.   0.42   2.63   0.93   3.48  1433.20    QN<1
   4201.-   4300.   0.38   4.56   1.80   5.47  1435.04    QN<1
   4301.-   4400.   0.61   3.29   2.36   7.57  1434.55  2<QN<3         Zs
   4401.-   4500.   0.42   1.87   1.52   4.47  1435.02    QN<1
   4501.-   4600.   0.62   2.88   1.31   4.78  1435.42    QN<1
   4601.-   4700.   0.38   1.68   1.20   3.15  1435.93    QN<1
   4701.-   4800.   0.31   2.30   1.20   3.55  1435.37    QN<1
   4801.-   4900.   0.69   3.98   1.49   6.51  1435.79    QN<1
 In Total:
      0.-   4997.   0.92   6.79   1.22   7.57  1437.49

Summary for the total track
  QN<1 Sections with good track standard        =  79.6 %  Should be > 50% 
1<QN<2 Regularly planned maintenance operations =  12.2 %  Should be < 40% 
2<QN<3 Short term maintenance action            =   8.2 %  Should be < 10% 
3<QN   Sections to be excluded from the analysis=   0.0 %  Should be =  0% 

          Table MAX according to CEN/TC 256 WG 10
                Alignment              Level
    Max Speed   QN1    QN2    QN3    QN1    QN2    QN3
       80      12.0   14.0   18.3   12.0   16.0   20.8
      120       8.0   10.0   13.0    8.0   12.0   15.6
      160       6.0    8.0   10.4    6.0   10.0   13.0
      200       5.0    7.0    9.1    5.0    9.0   11.7
      300       4.0    6.0    7.8    4.0    8.0   10.4

          Table RMS according to CEN/TC 256 WG 10
                Alignment       Level
    Max Speed   QN1    QN2    QN1    QN2
       80       1.5    1.8    2.3    2.6
      120       1.2    1.5    1.8    2.1
      160       1.0    1.3    1.4    1.7
      200       0.8    1.1    1.2    1.5
      300       0.7    1.0    1.0    1.3