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Description of used file extensions in GENSYS

Table of contents

Files in CALC.
Files in MISC.
Files in GPLOT.
Files in KPF.
Files in MPLOT.
Files in NPICK.
Files in TRACK.
Files in OPTI.
All file extensions in alphabetical order.


GENSYS works with a number of files. In order to distinguish between the files, each type of file has its own extension. This manual presents a brief summary of the contents and origin of the files.

For having a better overview of all files the user can chose to store the files in subdirectories. In order to have the files sorted in subdirectories, the user must define the environment variable $gendir and give $gendir the value= yes. The name of the subdirectories are defined in the file $gensys/bin/gen_defs.

Files in CALC

Input data files
*.runf Main input data file for CALC, all analysis.
*.frespf Main input data file for frequency response analysis in program CALC.
*.modalf Main input data file for modal analysis in program CALC.
*.quasif Main input data file for quasistationary analysis in program CALC.
*.tsimf Main input data file for time domain analysis in program CALC.
*.gp Initial values from a previous calculation in program CALC.
*.kpfr Wheel-rail geometry functions.
*.npickr Structural flexibility shapes.

Output data files
calc.out The program's memory dump. The file can be used for information or debugging.
*.ca Output from the program TSIM, if command write_ca_file has been given in the input data.
*.gp Output data file written in GPdat-format, is used for animation in program GPLOT.
*.id Output data file written in MPdat-format, is used for postprocessing in program MPLOT.
*.mode Eigenvalues from the program MODAL.
*.modf Modal shapes from the program MODAL.
*.modjac The linearized Jacobian from the program MODAL.

Files in program group MISC.

Input data files:
*.ftransf Input data file for the program FTRANS
*.funcf Input data file for the program FUNC
*.kc_propf Input data file for the program KC_PROP
*.mtablef Input data file for the program MTABLE
*.psdf Input data file for the program PSD
*.psd_fourf Input data file for the program PSD_FOUR
*.runf_infof Input data file for the program RUNF_INFO

Output data files:
*.sngl Data file written in single precision
*.cmplx Data file written in complex precision
*.kc_propr Result file from the program KC_PROP
*.mtabler Result file from the program MTABLE
*.psd File containing Power Spectral Density
*.runf_infor Result file from the program RUNF_INFO

Files in GPLOT.

Input data files:

*.gp File containing data for the animation, the file is read under the pulldown menu "File + read_GPdat" in program GPLOT.
*.runf File containing the input data model, the file is read under the pulldown menu "File + read_runf" in program GPLOT.

Output data files:

Program GPLOT does not produce any files which can be read by other programs in GENSYS. The only output is graphical output.

Files in KPF.

Input data files:
*.kpff Input data file for the program KPF
*.kpf_plotf Input data file for the program KPF_PLOT
*.kpf_rotf Input data file for the program KPF_ROT
*.kpf_turnf Input data file for the program KPF_TURN
*.rail Data file describing a rail profile. Unit [mm]
*.railm Data file describing a rail profile. Unit [m]
*.wheel Data file describing a wheel profile. Unit [mm]
*.wheelm Data file describing a wheel profile. Unit [m]

Output data-files:
*.kpfr The output data file from the program KPF. The file contains the wheel-rail geometry function.

Files in MPLOT.

Input data files:
*.mplotf Input data file for the program MPLOT
*.id File containing all variables written in MPdat-format

MPLOT creates the following types of files as output data files
*.mp File containing all variables written in MPdat-format
*.cata Output generated by command "catalo".
*.print Output generated by command "print"
*.resu Summary file created by program MPLOT containing Wz, frequency analysis, statistics etc.
*.stat2 Stat2-file created by MPLOT in command STAT2

In addition to the above, also graphical output formats.

Files in NPICK.

Input data files:
*.npickf Input data file for the program NPICK.

Output data files:
*.npicki Storage file containing the interpolation nodes
*.npickm Message file from
*.npickr Output data file

Files in TRACK.

Input data files:
*.trc_concatf *.trc_fourplf *.trc_imauzf *.trc_iplasf *.trc_ipsdf
*.trc_istatf *.trc_mauzcurf *.trc_mauzf *.trc_mauzmodf *.trc_mauzplf
*.trc_meanf *.trc_plascurf *.trc_plasf *.trc_psdplf *.trc_statplf
*.trc_tracmodf *.trc_tracplf      

Output data files:
*.sngl Data file in single precision
*.cmplx Data file in complex precision
*.mauz Data file in Mauzin-format
*.plas Data file in Plasser-format
*.trac Data file in Track-format
*.trax Data file in extended Track-format
*.trax_wdesign Data file in extended Track-format and including the designed geometry of the track

In addition to the above, also graphical output formats.

Files in OPTI.

Input data files:

Output data files:

All file extensions in alphabetical order.

The memory dump of program CALC. The file contains the total memory of program CALC, generated in the most recent calculation. The file can be used for the users information or for debugging purposes.

Output from the program TSIM, if command write_ca_file has been given in the input data. The *.ca-file can later be translated into a *.id-file with program conv_ca.

Output from the program MPLOT, containing a list of all variables and scalars in current ident. The *.cata-file is only written if command catalo has been given in the input data file to program MPLOT.

General data file written in complex precision, the file comprises four columns: X-real, X-imaginary, Y-real, and Y-imaginary.

Comma-separated values
Example of a track irregularity file written in CSV-format:
#SAMPLE_NUMBER,CORRIDOR_CODE,CORRIDOR_NAME,SURVEY_OFFSET,CORRIDOR_OFFSET,MARKER,MARKER_OFFSET,TRACK,Kvalitetsklass (null),Stationsområde (null),Höjd kortvåg vänster (null),Höjd mellanvåg vänster (null),Höjd långvåg vänster (null),Höjd kortvåg höger (null),Höjd mellanvåg höger (null),Höjd långvåg höger (null),Sido kortvåg vänster (null),Sido mellanvåg vänster (null),Sido långvåg vänster (null),Sido kortvåg höger (null),Sido mellanvåg höger (null),Sido långvåg höger (null),Spårvidd (null),Rälsförhöjning (null),Kurvatur (null),GPS-koordinater SWEREF 99 N (null),Hastighet (null),GPS-koordinater SWEREF 99 E (null),Skevning 6m bas (null),Ofiltrerad sida V (null),Std höjd (null),Skevning 3m bas (null),Ofiltrerad höjd V (null),Std samverkan (null),Q-tal (null),Std rälsförhöjning (null),Std sida (null)

Fourier spectra written in complex precision, the file comprises four columns: complex angular frequency two columns and complex amplitude two columns.

Main input data file for the program FRESP.

Input data file for the program FTRANS

Input data file for the program FUNC

Input data file for the program GENCRYPT

Output data in GPdat-format from a calculation in QUASI, MODAL, or TSIM. The output data contains deformation shapes of the structure. The deformations can be animated in program GPLOT, or they can be used as initial values in program CALC using command INITVAL. The file is written as a formatted file, but it is rather complex. In order to make it more readable for humans the user can filter the file through program cata_gp.

Result file written in MPdat-format containing scalars and curves from a calculation in one of the programs QUASI, MODAL, FRESP or TSIM. The file is unformatted and cannot directly be read by an ordinary editor, in order to inspect the contents of the file the user has access the programs catas and cataf which translates the file into a formatted ASCII-file.

Input data file for the program KC_PROP

Result data file from the program KC_PROP

Input data file for the program KPF_PLOT

Input data file for the program KPF_ROT

Input data file for the program KPF_TURN

Input data file for the program KPF

Output data file from the program KPF.

The file contains the following wheel-rail geometry functions:

cp#_$1.drfn Rolling radius v.s. lateral position
cp#_$1.gamfn Contact angle v.s. lateral position
cp#_$1.zfn Vertical wheel lift v.s. lateral position
cp#_$1.rofn Difference in lateral curvature v.s. lateral position
cp#_$1.poswfn Position of contact point on wheel v.s. lateral position
cp#_$1.posrfn Position of contact point on rail v.s. lateral position

Where: # Is the number of the contact patch: 1, 2, 3,,, etc.

Listing file of an output data file in MPdat-format or GPdat-format. The list files are generated with the script cataf or catas for the MPdat-file, and cata_gp for the GPdat-file.

Track irregularity file measured in a track measuring car type: Mauzin, Plasser & Theurer, Matisa, or similar track recording vehicle with rollers following the rails making versine measurements. track/Plasser_EM80_side_view.png

The file is built-up as follows:
Row 1)
Text string indicating that this is a track recording file. The text string also gives information about which program that has created the file.
Row 2-4)
Ident text which was given to the program which created the file.
Row 5)
Blank line.
Row 6)
Information on how the track recording file has been created, the following commands are understood:
END = Leading end, A or B.
DXTRAC = The equidistance between the track data points in longitudinal direction.
NPCURV = Number of track measurement points in the actual file.
XSTART = Start coordinate of the track.
LTOT = Length of the track.
Row 7)
Scaling factors which have been used. The scaling factors are written in the same order as the columns are printed.
Row 8)
Information stating what is meant by the columns in the print below.
Row 9-)
Track recording data written in columns. The columns include the following information:
Column 1) Longitudinal distance in [m].
Column 2) Level irregularity, right side [mm].
Column 3) Level irregularity, left side [mm].
Column 4) Mauzin cant irregularity [mm] (Not Used)
Column 5) Twist irregularity [mm]
Column 6) Horizontal versine, right side [mm].
Column 7) Horizontal versine, left side [mm].
Column 8) Gauge [mm].

The columns in the track recording files are often written in format (8F8.2), but any format can be used because all track programs reads the file in free format. Left and right side refers to the side of the coach when an observer stands in the carriage facing end A, with his/her back to end B. The observer's right side is on the right side of the coach.

An example of a track recording file:

 This mauz-file was created in GENSYS by Trc_mauz rel.9504                              
 IDENT1 = Creating of MAUZ-file using the program trc_mauz(B)                           
 IDENT2 = Input file = hysl_rak                                                         
 IDENT3 = Output file = test/hyslr_B.mauz                                               
 END = B DXTRAC = 0.10000e+01 NPCURV =  488 XSTART =  0.671000e+01 LTOT = 0.487000e+03  
 SCALFACT  1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000                        
 DISTANCE  LEVEL   LEVEL     FI    TWIST  VERSINE VERSINE  GAUGE                        
 6.71     -0.42    0.07   -0.35    0.45    1.77    1.70   1429.33                       
 7.71     -0.48   -0.54    0.16    1.06    0.32   -0.01   1429.73                       
 8.71      0.61   -0.37    0.88    0.35   -1.37   -3.23   1431.32                       
 9.71      2.56    1.65    0.79   -1.27   -1.54   -3.17   1431.05                       
 . . . . . .                                                                            
 . . . . . .  etc.                                                                      

For more information how to work with files written in the MAUZ-format, please see Programs translating track irregularities in MAUZ-format

Main input data file for the program MODAL.

Output data file from the program MODAL, containing all eigenvalues. The file is a formatted ASCII-file and can be read directly by the user.

Output data file from the program MODAL, containing all eigenforms. The file is a formatted ASCII-file and can be read directly by the user.

Output data file from program FRESP and MODAL, containing linearized Jacobian. The file is a formatted ASCII-file and can be read directly by the user. The file can be used for linear analysis in external programs, for example matlab.

Working memory for the program MPLOT.
The file is written in two parts ident.mp and ident.mp2, the file with extension *.mp contains only the names of the curves and addresses to the direct access file *.mp2. The format of the file is also called MPdat-format like files with extension *.id, and the contents of the *.mp-files can also like the *.id-files be inspected in the programs catas and cataf. The files ident.mp and ident.mp2 contains the same information as the ident.id, but in addition to the file ident.id the files ident.mp and ident.mp2 also contains new vectors and scalars generated in current and earlier postprocessing commands in program MPLOT.

Working memory for the program MPLOT.
File with extension *.mp2 is a sub file to the *.mp file, see further explanation under *.mp.

Input data file for the program MPLOT.

Input data file for the program MTABLE

Result data file from the program MTABLE

Input data file for the program NPICK.

Storage file containing the interpolation nodes, the node numbers can be stored for later use in an another NPICK activity.

Message file from the program NPICK. The program writes this file to make it possible for the user to see: which nodes have been used, which weight factors have been used,, etc..

Output data file from the program NPICK, containing structural vibration shapes. Ready to be inserted into the main input data file for the program CALC.

Input data file for the program OPTI

Result data file from the program OPTI The result is a log-file over all calculations.

Track data file from a registration made of a Plasser & Theurer or a Matisa recording coach,stored in PLAS-format. The PLAS-format is built-up in the same way as the MAUZ-format.
For more information on the file format, please see *.mauz.
For more information how to work with files written in the PLAS-format, please see Programs translating track irregularities in PLAS-format

*.post or *.ps
Postscript file which is created in the graphic programs MPLOT, GPLOT, KPF or TRACK if variable ILASER is set to "1".

Data file containing Power Spectral Density. The file comprises two columns, frequencies and PSD-values.

Input data file for the program PSD

Input data file for the program PSD_FOUR

Export of variables and scalars in an ASCII-formatted file. The *.print-file is written if command print has been given in the input data file to program MPLOT.
The *.print-file can be translated to a *.CSV-file with the script genconv_mplot_print_to_CSV.

Standard output when program CALC is executed in a queue system.

Main input data file for the program QUASI.

Data file describing a rail profile.
The file should be a formatted ASCII-file with two columns. The two columns in the file are the Y- and Z- coordinates of the rail-head. The coordinates should be measured in millimeters. Positive direction for the Y-coordinate is toward the center of the track for both rails. Positive direction for the Z-coordinate is downwards. The measurements should be accurate, preferable more than one point per 0.1 [mm] in lateral coordinates. Example of an input data file describing a rail profile:
 -4.09200E+01   3.38029E+01
 -4.09000E+01   3.35366E+01     # Data start on the rail head, as far out
 -4.08800E+01   3.32703E+01     # from track center line as possible.
 -4.08600E+01   3.30041E+01
 -4.08400E+01   3.27379E+01
 -4.08200E+01   3.24716E+01
 -4.08000E+01   3.22053E+01
 -4.07800E+01   3.19390E+01
 -4.07600E+01   3.16727E+01
 -4.07400E+01   3.14064E+01
 -4.07200E+01   3.11401E+01
 -4.07000E+01   3.08739E+01
 -4.06800E+01   3.06076E+01
 -4.06600E+01   3.03413E+01
 -4.06400E+01   3.00750E+01
 -4.06200E+01   2.98087E+01
 -4.06000E+01   2.95424E+01
 -4.05800E+01   2.92761E+01
 -4.05600E+01   2.90099E+01
     .            .
     .            .
     .            .
 -1.07400E+01  -1.84914E-01
 -1.07200E+01  -1.84927E-01
 -1.07000E+01  -1.84939E-01
 -1.06800E+01  -1.84949E-01
 -1.06600E+01  -1.84957E-01
 -1.06400E+01  -1.84965E-01
 -1.06200E+01  -1.84972E-01
 -1.06000E+01  -1.84978E-01
 -1.05800E+01  -1.84981E-01
 -1.05600E+01  -1.84984E-01
 -1.05400E+01  -1.84984E-01     #  Top of Rail
 -1.05200E+01  -1.84984E-01
 -1.05000E+01  -1.84982E-01
 -1.04800E+01  -1.84980E-01
 -1.04600E+01  -1.84976E-01
 -1.04400E+01  -1.84970E-01
 -1.04200E+01  -1.84963E-01
 -1.04000E+01  -1.84954E-01
 -1.03800E+01  -1.84945E-01
 -1.03600E+01  -1.84934E-01
 -1.03400E+01  -1.84922E-01
 -1.03200E+01  -1.84909E-01
 -1.03000E+01  -1.84894E-01
     .            .
     .            .
     .            .
 -2.80000E-01  -9.70667E-03
 -2.60000E-01  -9.02203E-03
 -2.40000E-01  -8.33606E-03
 -2.20000E-01  -7.64875E-03
 -2.00000E-01  -6.96009E-03
 -1.80000E-01  -6.27011E-03
 -1.60000E-01  -5.57879E-03
 -1.40000E-01  -4.88614E-03
 -1.20000E-01  -4.19215E-03
 -1.00000E-01  -3.49683E-03
 -8.00000E-02  -2.80017E-03
 -6.00000E-02  -2.10217E-03
 -4.00000E-02  -1.40283E-03
 -2.00000E-02  -7.02173E-04
  0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00     #  Origin  Located bo from track center line
  2.00000E-02   7.03178E-04
  4.00000E-02   1.40785E-03
  6.00000E-02   2.11386E-03
  8.00000E-02   2.82121E-03
  1.00000E-01   3.52990E-03
  1.20000E-01   4.23991E-03
  1.40000E-01   4.95126E-03
  1.60000E-01   5.66395E-03
  1.80000E-01   6.37798E-03
  2.00000E-01   7.09335E-03
  2.20000E-01   7.81005E-03
  2.40000E-01   8.52808E-03
  2.60000E-01   9.24746E-03
  2.80000E-01   9.96816E-03
     .            .
     .            .
     .            .
  3.23000E+01   1.26487E+01
  3.23200E+01   1.27417E+01
  3.23400E+01   1.28383E+01
  3.23600E+01   1.29387E+01
  3.23800E+01   1.30435E+01
  3.24000E+01   1.31533E+01
  3.24200E+01   1.32690E+01
  3.24400E+01   1.33913E+01
  3.24600E+01   1.35218E+01
  3.24800E+01   1.36622E+01
  3.25000E+01   1.38150E+01     #  Gauge Measuring Point  Located at GAUGE_TO_ORIGO from origin
  3.25200E+01   1.39845E+01     
  3.25400E+01   1.41774E+01
  3.25600E+01   1.44078E+01
  3.25800E+01   1.47174E+01
  3.26000E+01   1.52784E+01
  3.26200E+01   1.60357E+01
  3.26400E+01   1.68367E+01
  3.26600E+01   1.76377E+01
  3.26800E+01   1.84385E+01
  3.27000E+01   1.92394E+01
  3.27200E+01   2.00402E+01     # Data ends on the rail head, as far
  3.27400E+01   2.08412E+01     # to the track center line as possible.
  3.27600E+01   2.16420E+01     # If the inside of the rail have a vertical
  3.27800E+01   2.24429E+01     # slope manually a fake point can be given
  3.28000E+01   2.32438E+01     # several meters under the ground
The origin of the rail profile is defined to be a distance ORIGIN_TO_GAUGE from the gauge measuring point. The gauge measuring point of the rail is defined as follows: the gauge measuring positions are the two points on right and left rail located in a vertical interval between top of rail and 14 mm below top of rail which are closest to each other.
For ideal standard gauge tracks, the following is valid:
Lateral semi-spacing between the gauge measuring positions = 717.5 mm
Lateral distance between the gauge measuring point and origin ORIGIN_TO_GAUGE= 32.5 mm
Lateral semi-spacing between "The Nominal Running Circles" = 750 mm

Data file describing a rail profile.
Same as file type *.rail, with the difference that *.railm is stored in [m] instead of [mm].

Output data summary pages created by the program MPLOT containing e.g. Wz, frequency analysis, statistics, etc.. The *.resu-file is only written if command ftwz, stat or wz_afresp has been given in the input data file to program MPLOT.

The main input data file for the program CALC, all types of analysis FRESP, MODAL, QUASI and TSIM. This file can contain references to additional sub input data files.

Input data file for the program RUNF_INFO

Result data file from the program RUNF_INFO

General data file written in real form single precision, the file comprises two columns X and Y values.

Track recording file measured by STRIX. STRIX is an inertia based track recording machine. The SPL-file is an ASCII-file containing the following information: sketches/Inertia_based_measurement.png
Column Name Description
1) posNr Id-number for each measuring point
2) Bandel Track section
3) km Distance in km
4) m Distance in m
5) Class Track standard
6) Track Name of track u=up n=down e=single track
7) Vl_sw Vertical irregularities wavelength 1-25 m, left side, [0.01 mm]
8) Vl_mw Vertical irregularities wavelength 0-100 m, left side, [0.01 mm]
9) Vl_lw Vertical irregularities wavelength 0-140 m, left side, [0.01 mm]
10) Vr_sw Vertical irregularities wavelength 1-25 m, right side, [0.01 mm]
11) Vr_mw Vertical irregularities wavelength 0-100 m, right side, [0.01 mm]
12) Vr_lw Vertical irregularities wavelength 0-140 m, right side, [0.01 mm]
13) Ll_sw Lateral irregularities wavelength 1-25 m, left side, [0.01 mm]
14) Ll_mw Lateral irregularities wavelength 0-100 m, left side, [0.01 mm]
15) Ll_lw Lateral irregularities wavelength 0-140 m, left side, [0.01 mm]
16) Lr_sw Lateral irregularities wavelength 1-25 m, right side, [0.01 mm]
17) Lr_mw Lateral irregularities wavelength 0-100 m, right side, [0.01 mm]
18) Lr_lw Lateral irregularities wavelength 0-140 m, right side, [0.01 mm]
19) Gauge Deviation from the nominal gauge 1435 [0.01 mm]
20) Curvature Curvature [can have different scales]
21) Cant Cant [0.01 mm]
22) Velocity Speed of the recording car [0.01 km/h]

Example of a SPL-file:

#       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20         21      22
#                                               Vl_sw   Vl_mw   Vl_lw   Vr_sw   Vr_mw   Vr_lw   Ll_sw   Ll_mw   Ll_lw   Lr_sw   Lr_mw   Lr_lw   Gauge   Curva-     Cant    Velocity  
posNr   Bandel  km      meter   Class   Track   1-25m   1-100m  1-140m  1-25m   1-100m  1-140m  1-25m   1-100m  1-140m  1-25m   1-100m  1-140m          ture                       
2960    444     46      20      0       u       -70     246     515     -160    -125    11      74      -109    -402    0       -210    -496    46      0.000119   2483    10972
2961    444     46      20      0       u       -82     230     503     -171    -140    -3      62      -121    -421    15      -199    -492    70      0.000119   2508    10972
2962    444     46      20      0       u       -78     234     507     -179    -152    -15     58      -128    -433    19      -195    -496    93      0.000119   2526    10972
2963    444     46      20      0       u       -66     238     515     -171    -148    -11     23      -164    -476    7       -210    -511    121     0.000119   2551    10972
2964    444     46      21      0       u       -66     238     515     -160    -148    -7      -3      -199    -515    -11     -238    -546    121     0.000119   2562    10960
2965    444     46      21      0       u       -62     242     519     -144    -132    0       7       -183    -507    -19     -246    -562    152     0.000119   2544    10960
2966    444     46      21      0       u       -42     253     539     -113    -109    27      0       -195    -523    -31     -257    -582    160     0.000119   2573    10945
2967    444     46      21      0       u       -39     257     542     -82     -82     50      -39     -242    -578    -27     -253    -582    187     0.000119   2555    10960
2968    444     46      22      0       u       -27     265     550     -42     -46     85      -54     -257    -601    -11     -242    -574    187     0.000119   2555    10972
2969    444     46      22      0       u       -19     269     558     0       -3      128     -66     -273    -621    7       -218    -558    167     0.000119   2526    10988
2970    444     46      22      0       u       -11     277     566     27      15      156     -78     -285    -640    0       -234    -578    171     0.000119   2508    10988
2971    444     46      22      0       u       -3      277     570     50      39      175     -93     -304    -664    0       -226    -578    214     0.000119   2508    11000
2972    444     46      23      0       u       11      296     589     54      39      179     -93     -308    -675    0       -234    -589    234     0.000119   2526    11015
2973    444     46      23      0       u       31      312     609     74      54      191     -97     -312    -683    -42     -277    -640    281     0.000119   2551    11015
2974    444     46      23      0       u       23      300     597     62      39      175     -78     -296    -675    -7      -242    -609    289     0.000119   2555    11015
2975    444     46      23      0       u       23      296     597     58      35      171     -74     -292    -679    -11     -250    -621    308     0.000119   2580    11000
2976    444     46      24      0       u       27      300     601     70      42      179     -70     -296    -687    -35     -273    -652    312     0.000119   2591    10988
2977    444     46      24      0       u       23      292     597     66      39      175     -66     -292    -691    -35     -273    -656    289     0.000119   2591    10988
2978    444     46      24      0       u       31      296     597     82      46      183     -50     -277    -679    -15     -250    -640    289     0.000119   2583    10972
2979    444     46      24      0       u       35      300     605     85      50      187     -31     -261    -671    -31     -269    -664    285     0.000119   2601    10988
2980    444     46      25      0       u       58      320     625     97      58      199     -31     -265    -679    -15     -253    -656    281     0.000119   2605    10988
2981    444     46      25      0       u       74      332     640     109     66      203     -27     -261    -683    -7      -246    -652    261     0.000119   2619    11000
2982    444     46      25      0       u       82      332     640     97      50      191     -35     -269    -695    0       -238    -648    265     0.000119   2634    11015
2983    444     46      25      0       u       125     371     683     113     66      203     -39     -277    -710    0       -242    -656    242     0.000119   2680    11027
2984    444     46      26      0       u       144     386     699     113     62      199     -39     -277    -714    0       -234    -656    257     0.000119   2709    11027
2985    444     46      26      0       u       152     390     707     109     58      195     -35     -281    -722    -3      -246    -675    261     0.000119   2720    11039
2986    444     46      26      0       u       167     402     718     113     54      191     -35     -281    -730    -23     -269    -703    285     0.000100   2760    11039
2987    444     46      26      0       u       171     398     718     97      39      175     -27     -273    -730    -42     -289    -726    289     0.000100   2774    11039

Track recording file measured by STRIX. STRIX is an inertia based track recording machine. The SRA-file is an ASCII-file containing the following information:
Column Name Description
1) Bandel Track section
2) spar Name of track
3) km Distance in km
4) m Distance in m
5) klass Track standard
6) hastighet Speed of the recording car
7) spårvidd Gauge
8) rälsförhöjning Cant
9) vr höjd kv Vertical irregularities, left side, wavelength 1-25 m
10) vr höjd mv Vertical irregularities, left side, wavelength 0-100 m
11) vr höjd lv Vertical irregularities, left side, wavelength 0-140 m
12) hr höjd kv Vertical irregularities, right side, wavelength 1-25 m
13) hr höjd mv Vertical irregularities, right side, wavelength 0-100 m
14) hr höjd lv Vertical irregularities, right side, wavelength 0-140 m
15) kurvatur Curvature, as measured by a Mauzin track recording car.
16) vr sida kv Lateral irregularities, left side, wavelength 1-25 m
17) vr sida mv Lateral irregularities, left side, wavelength 0-100 m
18) vr sida lv Lateral irregularities, left side, wavelength 0-140 m
19) hr sida kv Lateral irregularities, right side, wavelength 1-25 m
20) hr sida mv Lateral irregularities, right side, wavelength 0-100 m
21) hr sida lv Lateral irregularities, right side, wavelength 0-140 m
22) fel vr laser Error in laser left side
23) fel hr laser Error in laser right side
24) info Information

Example of a SRA-file:

Bandel km    class gauge      Vl_sw      Vl_lw        Vr_mw       curve     Ll_mw      Lr_sw     Lr_lw   Info  
    track m    speed    cant        Vl_mw        Vr_sw      Vr_lw      Ll_sw     Ll_lw      Lr_mw      Error

Stat2fil created by MPLOT with the command stat2

Trac-file containing track irregularities. The coordinate systems defined in the model follows the designed track geometry, and deviations in the track alignment relative to the designed track geometry is called track irregularities. The trac-file is an ASCII-file containing the following information:
Column 1) Distance along the track (m).
Column 2) Lateral deviation of track center line (mm).
Positive displacement to the right
Column 3) Vertical deviation of track center line (mm).
Positive displacement downwards
Column 4) Gauge irregularity (mm)
Measured at the gauge measuring height, 14[mm] under rail top level.
Column 5) Cant irregularity (mm)
Height difference between right and left rail
Positive if the right rail is lower than left rail
Columns in trac-files are written in format (F6.1, 4F10.2).
#  Xcoor   Ymid      Zmid    Gauge       Cant    
#- (m) --- (mm) ---- (mm) ---- (mm) ---- (mm) -- 
   0.0     -0.0       0.0    1432.0      -0.2    
   1.0     -1.7      -0.1    1430.1      -1.3    
   2.0     -3.1       0.7    1429.2      -0.4    
   3.0     -4.5       0.3    1429.4      -0.5    
   4.0     -5.4       0.5    1429.1      -0.9    
   5.0     -6.3       0.2    1428.8      -1.2    
   6.0     -6.9       0.4    1429.4      -1.3    
   7.0     -7.1       0.7    1429.3      -0.9    
   8.0     -6.3       0.3    1429.9       0.2    
   9.0     -4.4      -1.9    1431.9       0.2    
  10.0     -6.0      -2.0    1430.7      -1.8    
  11.0     -7.0      -0.1    1429.0      -2.2    
  12.0     -8.3       0.7    1429.1      -1.4    

Trax-file contains the same data as the trac-file but the file is read in free format.
#       X-coord   Ymid-error    Zmid-error    Gauge-error   Cant-error   
# ------- (m) ------ (mm) -------- (mm) -------- (mm) -------- (mm) ---- 
      25400.0000 -2.005836E+00  8.160725E+00  1.434275E+03 -3.915601E-01 
      25400.3333 -2.164823E+00  8.279727E+00  1.434482E+03 -9.607409E-02 
      25400.6667 -2.589269E+00  8.538596E+00  1.434913E+03  5.515241E-01 
      25401.0000 -3.115993E+00  8.710853E+00  1.435251E+03  1.154463E+00 
      25401.3333 -3.478733E+00  8.860838E+00  1.435507E+03  1.775702E+00 
      25401.6667 -3.425344E+00  8.933024E+00  1.435582E+03  2.161777E+00 
      25402.0000 -3.372462E+00  8.819842E+00  1.435570E+03  2.271306E+00 
      25402.3333 -3.443577E+00  8.339310E+00  1.435509E+03  2.192751E+00 
      25402.6667 -3.376787E+00  7.509908E+00  1.435470E+03  2.012610E+00 
      25403.0000 -3.144596E+00  6.489192E+00  1.435442E+03  1.644289E+00 
      25403.3333 -2.860265E+00  5.491168E+00  1.435414E+03  1.183929E+00 
      25403.6667 -2.345633E+00  4.661980E+00  1.435401E+03  8.808643E-01 
      25404.0000 -1.653365E+00  3.969247E+00  1.435424E+03  8.086290E-01 
      25404.3333 -1.235927E+00  3.342819E+00  1.435436E+03  9.306613E-01 
      25404.6667 -1.087934E+00  2.794639E+00  1.435459E+03  1.323082E+00 
      25405.0000 -9.329237E-01  2.326822E+00  1.435472E+03  1.848521E+00 
      25405.3333 -9.139912E-01  1.951700E+00  1.435489E+03  2.234718E+00 
      25405.6667 -9.697503E-01  1.827213E+00  1.435495E+03  2.412583E+00 
      25406.0000 -7.093792E-01  2.059507E+00  1.435490E+03  2.562932E+00 
 . . .  etc.                                                             

In addition to the trax-file the trax_wdesign-file also contains the designed track geometry. The trax_wdesign-file is an ASCII-file containing the following information:
Column 1) Distance along the track (m).
Column 2) Lateral deviation of track center line (mm).
Positive displacement to the right
Column 3) Vertical deviation of track center line (mm).
Positive displacement downwards
Column 4) Gauge irregularity (mm)
Measured at the gauge measuring height, 14[mm] under rail top level.
Column 5) Cant irregularity (mm)
Height difference between right and left rail
Positive if the right rail is lower than left rail
Column 6) Designed track curvature [1/m].
Positive in a right handed curve
Column 7) Designed cant [rad].
Normally positive in a right handed curve
Column 8) Vertical position [m].
Positive displacement downwards
# Track data file: SPL_ASC_2.trax_wdesign                                                                          
# Created: 030203  by user ip                                                                                      
#                    Standard Deviation                                                                            
#                   Alignment       Level       Mean                                                               
#      Distance     RMS    MAX    RMS    MAX   Gauge                                                               
#   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                                    
#  73400.-73600.   0.87   2.27   1.75   7.94  1437.08                                                              
#  73600.-73800.   0.85   2.30   1.20   2.95  1437.08                                                              
#  73800.-74000.   0.77   2.51   0.83   2.53  1436.57                                                              
#  74000.-74200.   1.28   3.61   1.80   5.18  1436.27                                                              
#  74200.-74400.   0.93   2.78   1.06   3.61  1435.99                                                              
#  74400.-74600.   0.79   2.45   0.78   1.87  1435.98                                                              
#  81800.-82000.   0.86   2.96   0.83   2.26  1435.96                                                              
#   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                                    
#   In Total:                                                                                                      
#  73400.-82078.   0.91   2.97   1.18   3.76  1436.42                                                              
#   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                                    
# Track Standard according to CEN/TC 256 WG 10:                                                                    
# QN1 for speeds < 160 km/h                                                                                     
# QN2 for speeds < 300 km/h                                                                                     
#     X-coord     Ymid-error    Zmid-error    Gauge-error   Cant-error    Design curve  Design cant   Design zpos  
# ----- (m) --------- (mm) -------- (mm) -------- (mm) -------- (mm) ------- (1/m) ------- (rad) --------- (m) ---  
      73400.0000 -1.248876E+00  8.772560E-01  1.437448E+03 -4.214884E-01  5.818988E-05  1.387334E-03 -1.040500E-03 
      73400.5000 -1.083996E+00  9.467817E-01  1.437658E+03 -3.382923E-01  5.820144E-05  1.386930E-03 -1.040197E-03 
      73401.0000 -9.815047E-01  9.743984E-01  1.437539E+03 -4.542344E-01  5.821281E-05  1.386347E-03 -1.039760E-03 
      73401.5000 -9.374702E-01  9.084574E-01  1.437407E+03 -3.243166E-01  5.822389E-05  1.385579E-03 -1.039184E-03 
      73402.0000 -9.575902E-01  7.151569E-01  1.437331E+03  1.433915E-03  5.823473E-05  1.384635E-03 -1.038476E-03 
      73402.5000 -1.011303E+00  4.674755E-01  1.437082E+03  1.839198E-01  5.824536E-05  1.383512E-03 -1.037634E-03 
 . . .  etc.                                                                                                       

Input data file for the program TRC_CONCAT

Input data file for the program TRC_FOURPL

Input data file for the program TRC_IMAUZ

Input data file for the program TRC_IPLAS

Input data file for the program TRC_IPSD

Input data file for the program TRC_ISTAT

Input data file for the program TRC_MAUZ

Input data file for the program TRC_MAUZCUR

Input data file for the program TRC_MAUZMOD

Input data file for the program TRC_MAUZPL

Input data file for the program TRC_MEAN

Input data file for the program TRC_PLAS

Input data file for the program TRC_PLASCUR

Input data file for the program TRC_PSDPL

Input data file for the program TRC_STATPL

Input data file for the program TRC_TRACMOD

Input data file for the program TRC_TRACPL

Main input data file for the program TSIM.

Data file describing a wheel profile.
The wheel profile is described in Y- and Z- coordinates. The coordinates should be measured in millimeters. Positive direction for the Y-coordinate is toward the center of the track for both wheels. Positive direction for the Z-coordinate is downwards. The measurements should be accurate, preferable more than one point per 0.1 [mm] in lateral coordinates. The origin of the Y-coordinates should be at the radius where the wheel diameter of the wheel is measured, this diameter is also called The Nominal Running Circle.

For standard gauge tracks, the following is valid:
Lateral semi-spacing between inside wheels= 680 mm
Lateral distance between origin and inside wheel ORIGIN_TO_IWHEEL= 70 mm
Lateral semi-spacing between The Nominal Running Circles= 750 mm

Example of an input data file describing a wheel profile:

# Y-coord    Z-coord
# -------------------
-75.000000  -25.00000
-75.000000  -8.315414
-70.000000  -3.315414   # Start as far out on the tread as possible.
-69.980000  -3.314074
-69.960000  -3.312734
-69.940000  -3.311394
-69.920000  -3.310054
-69.900000  -3.308714
-69.880000  -3.307374
-69.860000  -3.306034
-69.840000  -3.304694
-69.820000  -3.303354
    .          .
    .          .
    .          .
    .          .

 -2.500000  -0.094000
 -2.000000  -0.074000
 -1.500000  -0.054000
 -1.000000  -0.035000
 -0.500000  -0.017000
  0.000000   0.000000   #  Origin  Located bo from track center line
  0.500000   0.017000
  1.000000   0.035000
  1.500000   0.054000
  2.000000   0.074000
  2.500000   0.094000
    .          .
    .          .
    .          .
    .          .
  69.82500  12.191900
  69.84500  12.035150
  69.86500  11.867790
  69.88500  11.687360
  69.90500  11.490290
  69.92500  11.270970
  69.94500  11.019670   # Describing the whole wheel profile, makes it
  69.96500  10.716410   # possible to simulate derailment situations.
  69.98500  10.303090
  70.00000 -25.000000


Data file describing a wheel profile.
Same as file type *.wheel, with the difference that *.wheelm is stored in [m] instead of [mm].

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