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Modeling of a 4-axle bogie vehicle   

In this session a railway vehicle shall be created from scratch.

  1. Copy directory "vehicle_BoBo_frame" to "vehicle_BoBo_frame_test"
  2. Go to the new directory
  3. Copy file runf/Master.runf to runf/tang_ideal.tsimf
  4. Open file runf/tang_ideal.tsimf in editor nedit
  5. In the file many things are already created: track irregularities, designed track geometry, wheelsets, bogie masses and car-body mass. However the model do not have any couplings between the masses except for the connection between wheel and rail.
  6. Search for the text string "Add couplings between the masses" and add your couplings here

  7. In editor nedit click "Shell -> GENSYS -> The dotted tear-off line" From the tear-off popup-menu create the following couplings in the secondary suspension:
    Coupling: In Menubar Select:
    Secondary coil springs Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Coil springs car-bogie
    Anti-roll bars Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Anti-roll bars
    Traction rods Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Traction rods
    Lateral bumpstops Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Lateral bumpstops
    Vertical bumpstops Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Vertical bumpstops
    Lateral viscous dampers Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Lateral viscous dampers
    Vertical viscous dampers Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Vertical viscous dampers
    Yaw viscous dampers Shell->Gensys->Secondary susp->Yaw viscous dampers

  8. From the tear-off popup-menu create the following couplings in the primary suspension:
    Coupling: In Menubar Select:
    Primary springs Shell->Gensys->Primary susp->Springs
    Primary Lateral bumpstops Shell->Gensys->Primary susp->Lateral bumpstops
    Primary Vertical bumpstops Shell->Gensys->Primary susp->Vertical bumpstops
    Primary Vertical viscous damper Shell->Gensys->Primary susp->Vertical viscous damper

  9. The model is ready and calculations may now begin. Mark file runf/tang_ideal.tsimf and select run with mouse button #3

  10. Animate the simulation in Gplot by:
  11. As can be seen in the animation not very much happens. The animation shows a time-domain simulation on tangent track without track irregularities with perfect initial conditions. This is good because now we know the model is in balance. If the vehicle is making any motions it indicates that something is not quite right in the model.

  12. Please continue the tutorial with analyse_check.html, to debug the model.