Reference Manuals
Users Manual for Program group KPF
- kpf
- The main program that creates the wheel-rail geometry functions.
The functions are created from measured or designed wheel and rail profiles.
- A program that plots wheel-rail geometry functions, written on a KPF output format.
- This program rotates a point cluster about origin.
The cluster might for instance be a rail profile that should be inclined in
relation to measured inclination.
- This program is obsolete, please use program FILE_UPDOWN instead.
- Calculates the distances between the surfaces of wheel and rail.
Contact pressure distribution in contact point can also be calculated.
- Converts wheel/rail-geometry kpfr-files into matlab m-files.
kpf_conv_FIT2kpf_rail <in-file> <out-file>
- Converts rail profiles written in FIT-format,
into a format suitable for program KPF.
- Converts rail profiles measured by the miniprof profile measuring instrument
into a format suitable for program KPF.
- Converts wheel profiles measured by the miniprof profile measuring instrument
into a format suitable for program KPF.
kpf_conv_spak2kpf <in-file> <out-file>
- Converts rail or wheel profiles measured by the SPAK profile measuring instrument
into a format suitable for program KPF.
- Converts rail profiles measured by the STRIX track recording car
into a format suitable for program KPF.
- Converts rail profiles measured by the RailScan profile measuring instrument
into a format suitable for program KPF.
- Converts wheel profiles measured by the WheelScan profile measuring instrument
into a format suitable for program KPF.
gen_plot_rail.sh <rail profile>
- Makes a plot of a rail profile in [mm].
The profile must be stored in .rail format.
The reference profile that is also shown in the figure is:
gen_plot_railm.sh <rail profile>
- Makes a plot of a rail profile i [m].
The profile must be stored in .railm format.
The reference profile that is also shown in the figure is:
gen_plot_wheel.sh <wheel profile>
- Makes a plot of a wheel profile.
The profile must be stored in .wheel format.
The reference profile that is also shown in the figure is:
gen_plot_wheelm.sh <wheel profile>
- Makes a plot of a wheel profile.
The profile must be stored in .wheelm format.
The reference profile that is also shown in the figure is: